who is the best 20 priest?

whos the best priest

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Lawl where is talarac XD

I'd would say riptides and feinted but there's another priest which is forgot the name....
There must be a reason for such ferious rage coming from a nooby kiddo,
Did your parent forget to give you another $15 this month?

im 25years old i still wear my highschool football jersey and im a fucking savage
im 25years old i still wear my highschool football jersey and im a fucking savage

Sure, we are in social network, and everything you type here we will surely believe in you.
I think my kid is somehow more mature than you are, and he is 2.

Maybe I should let your parent be aware of you lacking $15 a month is driving you nuts.

Try not to rage that much even though you are a noob in this game : )

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