cannabis and kunz are better than all the people on this list
Imo shaman is a fairly high skill cap class when compared to other classes at 19, and only shamans to have reached said cap would be
Loldispell/Dasfizzle/Cannabis/Kunz imo at least everyone else has alot of work to do.
Niini has a heart of gold anyone who did not vote for him should be ashamed.
Niini has a heart of gold anyone who did not vote for him should be ashamed.
This thread is stupid -,- lots of troll and flame inc =(
who are you
Everything's stupid when you're not winning. Grow a pair, stop complaining, and improve your game.
roula #1 angry arab world
i am the only EU shaman dafuq?!
right..... because every twink in the world is voting on this poll. smh