It's impossible for any player to analyze the individual movements of every player in a bg to decide on the best course of action. This means that "endless possibilities" do not actually enable a player to play more skillfully. As a consequence of the increased number of players, winning strategies and coordination become much simpler.
You're entitled to your opinion, you know, but you're absolutely wrong.
rbg is rated pvp for people with ...mental handicaps.. however since mop arena is a joke aswell
I don't buy the OPs logic at all. He asserts that the only variable in arenas is comp, and that skill isn't a factor. He assumes that we will accept that statement at face value, but he provides no evidence to support that.
He also suggests that RBGs have a higher skill cap since there are more possible scenarios in an RBG. While this completely disregards the fact that RBG comps are often very linear whereas 3v3 Arenas in a good season sport dozens of different viable comps that must all be memorized to achieve a high rating, it also is fairly irrelevant to the discussion at hand as I understand it.
We're discussing which is more skillful, not which has a higher skill ceiling. As it has come to mean in this thread, skillfulness is how much skill it takes to perform that activity at a competitive level. This is very different from a skill ceiling, which measures the maximum amount of success as a function of skill.
Rather than talking about who has more skill between the best arena players and the best battlegrounds players, we are talking about whether an average arena player performs better in battlegrounds than the average battleground player (and vice versa). So as Nexxerxd points out in that post, RBGs tend to have a much lower skill floor than 3v3 arenas - you need much less skill to succeed in RBGs than you do in arenas.
EDIT: also, we don't really have the sample size to determine whether or not Level 20 "RBGs" have a higher skill floor than Level 20 Arenas, since there is a massive amount of cross over between the two activities.
No love for PvE on TI /cry
First off i wanted to say i love [MENTION=14560]Fael[/MENTION] 's signature, just lol.
I believe i am a good example of the type of player that most of you guys are trying to discuss.
I play arenas whenever they are going on in a competative manner, o have played 2v2 tournaments and now signed up a team for the 3v3 tourney,and i am also really active in the bg scene.
I organize 10v10s and pug regularly.
All in all i really feel that my experience in arenas against the regular people who play and in my opinion give a sense of competition auch as [MENTION=12571]Swag[/MENTION] [MENTION=15859]Flynn[/MENTION] [MENTION=14560]Fael[/MENTION] [MENTION=18826]Bop[/MENTION] [MENTION=19315]Suntosh[/MENTION] [MENTION=18689]Trialmop[/MENTION] [MENTION=19874]Watergun[/MENTION] [MENTION=17375]LennywBoreanTundra[/MENTION] and [MENTION=20770]Felfiend[/MENTION] and many more has really given me a better grasp at playing battlegrounds in both premade and pug settings.
Bg skills are less transferable to an arena setting than arena skills are into a bg. The higher levels of awareness and coordination that arenas are about have really helped me cement myself as a good player in battlegrounds.
My point is not about wether arenas take more skill than bgs but simply about arena players being better than bg players at both, at least in my opinion.
Arenas open up new doors into seeing the gameplay differently that i think benefit everyone who does them in the long run in other aspects of the game.
So much more skill involved in endgame when you have to press 5 buttons in a row for cc instead of 2...
Never rly got the concept of "more buttons = more skill". The BGs are the same, the arenas are the same, the toons dont turn into cars either.
You want skill? The may I suggest sculptor as a career option?
This game sux play a new game
How do you figure on that one? Care to explain it, or do you have nothing to back that claim up?
As expected, all bark, no bite. Just like a little chihuahua.