Whirlwind 19's on Sundays

We've had 2 games of non-exp 19's going at the same time for the past couple of Sundays.

Every Sunday after the Fishing Tourney (approx. 4pm PST) we have games for several hours. Friday and Saturday evenings also pop occasionally, but Sundays after the tourney are a guaranteed pop.

Hope to continue to see some new faces out there. Whirlwind is a fun community. We are located in the Seattle datacenter.
come to ruin >.> there is 5-8 No exp Games going at high points , and always at least 2-4.

No twinking BG's but ruin exist anymore :( :)

so just come to ruin :rolleyes:
Restoshaman said:
come to ruin >.> there is 5-8 No exp Games going at high points , and always at least 2-4.

No twinking BG's but ruin exist anymore :( :)

so just come to ruin :rolleyes:

The post isn't about Ruin; we've all heard the endless spamming on all of our battlegroup forums.

It's about Whirlwind and the fact that we've got NON-EXP games popping every Sunday.

I would think everyone would be happy that we're edging out of survival mode and back into popularity. It could bode well for other battlegroups as well.
Throwed said:
whirlwind is terrible

It's great to hear that your BG is making it! If Whirlwind starts to become a little more active, it might be cool to roll a toon there just to escape some of the asshats on Ruin.. like Throwed.
Scadoosh said:
It's great to hear that your BG is making it! If Whirlwind starts to become a little more active, it might be cool to roll a toon there just to escape some of the asshats on Ruin.. like Throwed.

Who knows, maybe I'll go roll a level ten twink on Whirlwind :3
yay for my old battleground ( I bought the ruin hype and rerolled ). I might have to fire up my shaman who is still in whirlwind.
im happy for whirlwind and all, but isn't it evident that ruin is the place to be? Dividing 19s into separate battlegroups is not the way we should be going right now
Tanthales said:
im happy for whirlwind and all, but isn't it evident that ruin is the place to be? Dividing 19s into separate battlegroups is not the way we should be going right now

Many twinks in Whirlwind never went to Ruin in the first place, so we aren't dividing anyone. We're just a small community trying to survive on our own, as we have been since first day of patch 3.whatever that screwed all of us.

We don't have exploiters, we don't have a lot of asshats. Just people (some good, some bad) trying to have fun.
Tanthales said:
im happy for whirlwind and all, but isn't it evident that ruin is the place to be? Dividing 19s into separate battlegroups is not the way we should be going right now

Nothing wrong with having an alternative community. After all, Ruin purportedly has very health queues, so you should have nothing to worry about. That said, if your community IS full of asshats, you'll just drive business over to us.

Also, nothing is preventing someone from having toons in both locations.
Kudos to you, Whirlwind! I left WW 19s about two years ago (and then the battlegroup during the 49s Ruin fiasco (and then WoW altogether shortly after that, lol)), but I'm glad to see that the bracket is bouncing back from the disaster of patch 3.whatever (I still follow the news, for nostalgia's sake). Baby steps -- first the 19s, then maybe other brackets will follow. Build on your success! Best of luck to you.

To all the naysayers: Whirlwind 19s have always had a great sense of community and competition -- small, but fiercely dedicated. If you love to play and you're looking for a break from the constant e-peening and slagging that seems to go on in other battlegroups, your alt could no doubt find a home in WW.

--Nightingale, ex-19 dwarf priest

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