Which wizard shall I choose?


So as the titles states, I'm looking to play a caster at 24. I've narrowed it down to ele and mage, now I'm just wondering about the preferences of others. Which class would you prefer to see? Do you know any BiS armorys? etcetc ty :)
I would roll a mage just because they are the most fun to play in my opinion. Finding a balance between going on the offensive, or falling back onto the defensive side of things is what makes it pretty dynamic as well. Figuring out when it's ok to stop and nuke is also something that takes a certain feel. You are always on the move if being targeted by even one person usually (mages r super squish), so if you don't like moving around at all times (when facing equal or greater competition) it's probably not for you. Everyone wants to kill you as a mage. They think you are a free kill and your opponents will underestimate you almost every single time. Rogues will completely ignore ALL objectives to stealth over to you and attempt to kill you. Sometimes 2-3 rogues will open on your from stealth simultaneously. Ahhh the life of a mage. It's non-stop fun and excitement, and that's why I like it.

Elemental shaman can heal tho so if that is appealing to you just go with shaman. Being able to heal yourself if you're in trouble anytime is pretty great.
Ele is super fun, great damage and survivability, good kiting and flag carrying ability, purging enemies buffs and heals, countering nerds with wind shear and figuring out the best ways to punt (thunderstorm) to disrupt whatever the enemy team is doing.

Mage is fun too, though a bit more squishy I think. Piloted by the right person can be a huge offensive advantage however, just ask yowza.
Mage is fun, if I play a frost mage I stack haste, that is a personal preference, I am well aware that it is not a good as SP stacking, but once you get used to a 1.1 sec frostbolt on a 70 tink its hard :p

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