Which to pick?


As the title said I'm going to be FC my Ne 19 warrior to horde but don't know which race would be best for it. I'm thinking between UD or Tauren but I am open to the other races. Thanks for help.

All depends on what racial u want. Orcs get more damage, Tauren get an extra stun, UD get a free fear removal. Id say Tauren, that stun comes in handy.
Hey Kit!

Orc > Undead > tauren gets my vote, but maybe the grass is always greener... :)

War Stomp is a great situational racial - great for interrupting heals or fears, but cast time and pushback can reduce its effectiveness. Dunno if it's just me but stomp cast time always seems longer than it should be.

Swing timer is reset after stomp (i think, check with encorebroz or stoked or another warr) so you can't auto-attack or HS etc. during the stun, only instant attacks.

On the positive side, Charge Hamstring Warstomp ftw. Stomping an FC or a pack chasing your FC can make all the difference. If you're 1v1 and spamstring glyphed you can get a nice stunlock if you're lucky.

Forget the other Tauren racials, the endurance extra HP buff is lame at 19.

Herb is a nerfbuff @ 19 - can't check armory atm but if Skel has herb and goes Tauren, you'll need to get it to 240 for lifeblood 3.

Nature resist is 2%, don't notice the difference between my human and tauren warrs.

Don't forget the "I'M-BIG-AND-BAD-ARSE-LOOKING-CLICK-ON-ME-NOT-THE-OTHER-GUY" Tauren racial, great if you want to be in the thick of it, run an FC sacrifice and pull def with you, not so good if you're up against clickey-pew-pewers or trying to sneak around.


lol but I am serious trolls are awesome overall warriors.

Undead and Tauren for FCs

I guess orcs are raw dps ones but w/ an extremely slow 2her I prefer berserker and the higher crit you'd get from trolls.

(I havent rolled a 19 warrior since 2007 though lol)
looks + warry -> orc.

dmg + warry -> orc.

undead make nice lookin mages, but warrrzz have to be orc.
I find war stomp useful in alot of situations tbh. Admittedly i havent yet finished my warrior, but my drood is a cow and i find stomp useful in most fights.
Bigbullox said:

That just won it for me xD

Your name seems familiar :O

Thanks for the advice all, i've decided to go with a big sexy cow, question now is male or female? :D

Female with Tabard of Fury looks boss as a warrior, if you can't get the tabrd go male lol

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