Which side is the weakest.

Which side is the weakest?

  • Alliance

    Votes: 16 66.7%
  • Horde

    Votes: 8 33.3%

  • Total voters
Kind of a funny question.

Alliance seems to field pugs of mostly 24s for some reason in almost all BGs I have been in for some reason. i begin to wonder sometimes if F2P mostly only rolls horde as I never see near as many 20 ally. Ironically, though they still lose 50 percent of the time still even with this potentially huge advantage.

I have always wondered why this is. I can understand the wanting to dominate (or try to dominate) mostly 20s, but I am not sure why the 24s go alliance and cope with the longer wait times ally side. To cap it off, the 24s on horde side are mostly pretty damn good and pull far more ownage than the ally 24s when those guys do show up.
w/e side cripzblood is on.

Thats funny cuz i have positive win ranting without AFKing and premading on my hunter.

Spanish defenitly makes pugs(both sides) worst, all i see is protpalas,protwarrior, in mid running around while i die trying to kill efc.

From 2years that ive been playing my F2PTwinks, alliance always won more when F2Ps vs F2Ps, now that rarely happens.
If ally lost vs only 20s, it was a premade.

Be4 ally won more AB and lost more WSG.
Nowadays alot of the ally good players rolled horde.
Being Alliance its though sometimes.
From 2years that ive been playing my F2PTwinks, alliance always won more when F2Ps vs F2Ps, now that rarely happens.
If ally lost vs only 20s, it was a premade.

alli won more at the start of f2p because everyone wanted to play hunter/rogue/ret, and the best gear for that is alli. now they've strangely got bored of alli, and popped up playing horde casters.
alli won more at the start of f2p because everyone wanted to play hunter/rogue/ret, and the best gear for that is alli. now they've strangely got bored of alli, and popped up playing horde casters.

English Realms:
And since begging Horde always had more Priests,Holypalas...etc. classes that use intelect.
In Cata Ally rolled DPS alot and Horde rolled healers alot, tbh it still is like this.

In Cata DPS Vs Healer was more balanced.
You all saying stuff about more 24s on that side or on that side forget, that, while you're in a set language group (let's say English horde) you can encounter a lot of different languages across the board: Germans, French, Spanish, other English, some Russians and now a few Italians.

Now, there are relatively more 24s across the board on any language than there were in '11, that's a plain fact backed up by the growing f2p community in general (not just Spine or Aggramar etc) but, since I played German alliance for 1 year and then switched to English horde and alliance but still play on German alliance I can give a good view on which 'side' has more 24s per language-group.

German horde: Nowadays, they frequently 5man premade with their 24s (not gonna call names here for obvious reasons) and there's a different 24 crew with 2 to 5mans as well, but had very few 24s in the beginning due to horde being underplayed and no queues popping at all for a good 3-4 months into f2p.
German alliance: More 24s on ally in the beginning but gradually became less, now you rarely see more than 2-3 24s in a night of constant playing.

English horde: 24s all day, they don't always premade, they don't always 5man, but there is a constant stream of new 24s/old rerollers, because they've been around for almost as long as f2p itself.
English alliance: Same as horde, not many differences. Always had 24s and will probably always have them.

Spanish horde: No real 24 crews like in the German groups but there are a few that frequently log on and play. You won't see them often, but you will.
Spanish alliance: Same as horde.

French essentially the same as Spanish.

Italian: Since there are only 2 realms yet and they play in the English groups (Pozzo dell'Eternità plays with Aggramar/Draenor) they share the same 24s.

Russian: We all probably know of the Russian 24 premades on both sides, so I'll leave it at that.

Now, I could make a list of f2ps in the same way but I don't think there's a definite conclusion on which side is weaker because it all depends too much on the favor of the RNG goddess anyways.

Hi, am new to f2p and I have druid name : Of on TN ally. As far as I know and seen, horde have a lot more 24's and mostly doing premades at evening. I started month ago, when wsg cta was and I can say, that I won like 90% of games around mid day, and at evening I won like 1/10.. But when cta was over, that win ration at mid day time, was drasticly changed, something like 50% won games.

Off topic : I don't understand those 24's, are they sad in life or..?
not all 24s are "sad and have no life", i for example play my 24 casually and because it was previously a level 10 twink, then 19 back in wrath/cata. leveled to 24 when 19s died at the end of cata due to the time/money and momories attached to my rogue.

but yeah must 24s are pve hero rerollers that skey and derf mid all day.
still, where is competing in playing 24's in mostly 20's bracket? Do they found it fun to farm every day? I can do that for like 2 days, and then get bored as f**k. You don't have real competition as 24's.. I like mostly f2p because you can't just buy gear on AH, get money easy, do thing easy, you need dedication to get all BiS gear, that is even more harder to acquire since cross realm.. I would like to make some awesome f2p team and play together as RBG team, so we can pwn even 24's premade.. I might make thread about it when I reach 10 posts :)

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