Which Faction has more active 20s???? Ally vs Horde BG Ques?????

I was disappointed too when I rerolled on AP only to find out it was a pve server after I hit 20. Ive never played anything other then pvp servers because world pvp was the main attraction. Watching the opposite faction standing around at the arena or other area's and there is nothing you can do about it kind of defeats the purpose for someone that likes pvp. And there is a lot of pvp to be had at level 20 and Ive done quite a bit on my other servers while questing or farming mats. Think of all the 20-40 questers out there thinking they are unstoppable in their boa's. Yummy!

But even if non-pvp is fine for some, the main problem Ive seen on AP is the pings are really high. Most people I talk to have a ping of 200+. Im hitting anywhere from 200-350 on a good day, where as the other servers I play are closer to 50-90. The difference can make or break a class, especially those that depend on meelee and positional attacks. Being a rogue and not getting the a sap against other rogues or classes with aoe/marks is not a good thing. Same with an out of range / positional errors when im right behind someone is a nightmare on AP due to my ping. I'm guessing the NY datacenter was chosen with EU players in mind, but its not so hot for westcoast/central players.

I will say the player base on AP is excellent for this bracket Ive had some good times doing the few premades I was apart of.
One of my recent favorite world PvP moments was farming chests in Hillsbrad when I see a mage was trying to open one. I judged, CS, he blinked. I stunned. He was dead. Chest was mine.
I also have trouble with the ping times on Aerie Peak. The NY data center has the worst connection for me compared to all other data centers in US. Chicago being the best for me. This does actually affect the connection in pvp as well (do your own testing if you haven't noticed this.)

That being said I'm here for the community, though I do miss world pvp. But blizzard killed it in general anyways. I'm hoping to get some town raids going on Aerie Peak sometime though :)
lloydganks1 said:
if you want to be able to solo queue for battlegrounds, you should roll alliance. you will have to wait longer to get a game, but if you're playing by yourself, it will be a lot more enjoyable.

Ohh, my personal experience has been -vastly- different from this. Ask the AP regulars, I won't queue solo anymore because of the facerollfest it becomes. There are just FAR too many trial-farming 24 Horde, and far too many undergeared and inexperienced Alliance, for me to ever have any fun in WSG unless I have four of my AP friends queueing with me. And sometimes, not even -that- is enough to compensate from the abysmal skill and gear level of most non-AP alliance players*, and the overwhelming number of Horde 24s who farm them.

*O noble and worthy non-AP twink readers out there, if you're on this forum and reading this, then I'm not referring to you. Don't get upset, I'm really not an AP elitist. The fact remains that the vast majority of non-twinking trial accounts out there in the world are Alliance. The Horde likes to point at the number of Alliance players as a disadvantage that they possess, but they don't really understand that having more players is not an advantage when the majority of them can't hold their own in a twink-and-24-heavy match.
Eyepatch/Aluwyn's/Ello's are 20 stam, 11 hit, 7 agi over nothing/smelting/legionanaire's. The gear gap closes a bit with fishing hat (and heirlooms replacing riot stick for casters), but pugs don't usually bother with these--hell I've been putting in the effort for LFH and I'm 0/4wks. Some combination of easy gear luring players to alliance and losses/camping disenfranchising horde players is responsible for the queue times ally faces.

On AP, horde side pvp is very active thanks to the short queues facilitating easy simultaneous queuing (both groups didn't get in? leave and count us down). The coordination and generally higher level of gear leads to very high win ratios and much easier honor farming than horde find elsewhere. I really wouldn't recommend playing horde anywhere but AP.

(More trivially, I'd propose alliance fishing between queues as the reason for sea turtle imbalance, anyone with one want to weigh in?)

As far as the PvE server thing, I was also a big PvP server fan but I really think this isn't a good fit for the default f2p server. The PvE server lets us do things cross-faction (see our BB screencap thread) that would probably devolve into spawn camping and forum drama otherwise. And while LFH may be obtainable to f2p on PvP servers where only 3-4 20s fish at a time, the relatively high density of fishing 20s on AP would probably attract griefers by the truckload.

Besides, it's not like we could pvp raid anything without an 85 coming and wiping everyone (see halaa when 85s are in nagrand), so we'd just be trading away the ability to wander the game gank-free for the ability to dickishly harass people leveling in 20-40 zones. The PvE server was a very good call imo.

(now the pacific time zone I could live without, and I bet our euro players would probably prefer fishing in eastern time as well...)

Edit: One of these days we ought to make a raid on each faction, pvp flag, and do some coordinated world pvp somewhere secluded. Moonglade springs to mind as being particularly vacant, but we'd need 2 p2ps with Have Group.
Multiple quotes!!

pinochet said:
Some combination of easy gear luring players to alliance and losses/camping disenfranchising horde players is responsible for the queue times ally faces.

Honestly, I really think the imbalance is due to the fact that most casual, everyday, trial-account playing people roll Alliance because they aren't familiar with the game and people tend to gravitate towards the familiar (i.e. humans, elves). I don't think the attraction of the claimed better gear is a large factor, based on the sheer number of times I hear in the pre-match flag room "omg where did you get an eyepatch!" or my favorite "where did you get that sword!" (pvp sword and warrior quest sword, come on). The majority of F2P players have no idea about this equipment... just look at the popularity of what gear should I get threads here on this forum--hence the reason I started assembling the Gearing Up Guides--and that's for people savvy enough to even find this forum! How many trial players do you think even know what a "twink" is, much less want to find twink info?

On AP, horde side pvp is very active thanks to the short queues facilitating easy simultaneous queuing (both groups didn't get in? leave and count us down). The coordination and generally higher level of gear leads to very high win ratios and much easier honor farming than horde find elsewhere. I really wouldn't recommend playing horde anywhere but AP.

(More trivially, I'd propose alliance fishing between queues as the reason for sea turtle imbalance, anyone with one want to weigh in?)

One of my close friends in-game is doing exactly this, fishing for the turtle while we wait on BG queues. Someone addressed this earlier. While it may appear by the pets and mounts that Alliance "care more" about their characters, I think this is a false assumption.

As far as the PvE server thing, I was also a big PvP server fan but I really think this isn't a good fit for the default f2p server. The PvE server lets us do things cross-faction (see our BB screencap thread) that would probably devolve into spawn camping and forum drama otherwise. And while LFH may be obtainable to f2p on PvP servers where only 3-4 20s fish at a time, the relatively high density of fishing 20s on AP would probably attract griefers by the truckload.

Besides, it's not like we could pvp raid anything without an 85 coming and wiping everyone (see halaa when 85s are in nagrand), so we'd just be trading away the ability to wander the game gank-free for the ability to dickishly harass people leveling in 20-40 zones. The PvE server was a very good call imo.

Very well put, on all counts I agree. I came to Aerie Peak from a PvP server myself; the titular Ciroe is a hunter on Stonemaul. Everything you said mirrors my own sentiment, having tried it both ways.
Mrcer said:
A sea turtle does not make you good.

It's easy to say that not everyone who is on AP are the best, but that is where the largest community of 20s are. If you WANT to join the majority of F2P community, then feel free to come over :)

Also, we will most likely get all our BoA gear faster than other ppl seeing how on WSG/AB weekends(call to arms) we premade, in fact we premade every day. We will help you get all the honor you need for heirloom gear. It'll be a lot harder to farm Heirloom gear alone than it will be if you are on AP. The hardest thing atm is just getting your AGM; but that too will be fixed soon.

Tell me more about it plz.
Ciroe said:
having tried it both ways.

I thought that about you but wasn't sure. Good for you.


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