EU+US Which class?


So, I've just discovered the F2P forum! Yay!
I've seen a list with some F2P players. Pround to see that I'm not the only one with no subscription.
Right know I have a RShaman. He's not a big boy, but it's something.
I want to know, what class is the "best"? (1v1, BGs, Arena, etc.)
I'm thinking to try Arcane, but I don't know for sure. Outlaw looks pretty fun. I don't know! I just want to some opinions to make an idea. Thanks!
Welcome to the forums! :)

Restoration Shaman is a great class to start with. I would recommend a Restoration Druid as your seconds choice, equally as strong (if not more so) but requires more skill and finesse to master.

Arcane Mage is a solid choice as far as Power goes, however it can be a bit boring to play. F2P Outlaw Rogues lack the punch that makes them stand out as Veteran Twinks in this bracket, but are a lot of fun to play. Out of the 4 class/specs mentioned, I would probably recommend Outlaw Rogue the least.

Consider a Marksman Hunter as well. A very useful and powerful spec in this bracket.
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Conveniently, you've picked one of the strongest classes for f2p already.

As @Prime Al said, druid is also worth a look. My F2P druid does just fine in BGs.

You might also really enjoy pally? Maybe? They crutch pretty hard on crusader for damage but holy could be fun? Maybe?
I agree with everything Al said as well. My primary F2Ps currently are a Resto Druid, an Outlaw Rogue, and an Arcane Mage, in that order. Resto Shaman are very powerful and useful right now, -especially- in the current Alterac Valley event, where healing is massive. Play what makes you happy; if I were in your position, I'd go ahead and max out that RShaman first and foremost.
rsham is up there along with rdru as the 2 strongest healers at this level for pvp, so I would certainly keep working on your current character.
if you want to try a damage class then arcane mage, mm hunter, balance druid are strong.
Give Mistweaver Monk a go - They are really fun to play and pack a big punch when they decide to go offensive.

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