Which class/spec for veteran account?

Naw 1v1 an hpall see who ooms first and dies, now you clearly are not good at hpall if your calling it shit

PS fucker was the directed to OP lol
holypala is fun and "viable" as a supporter with denounce spam/dispell, his heals are shit tho. they are not only worse than mw/restoshaman/priest heals, you cant even compare them. my well geared vet holpala does 1,3k flash crits inside a bg/arena, my stamina geared f2p priest does 1,9k flash heal crits while he is outside.
you go oom faster than other healers because you have to heal way more.. sounds logical right? with all those ferals/fists of fury spamers in this bracket holypalas still have their benefits
Fury warrior 5 stars because they got buffed.
BM monk 4 stars. Because keg smash got nerfed.
Arms warrior 5 stars cause rend spread is sick.
WW monk 5 stars because they do sick damage have self heals and incredible movement speed.

fury warrior 5 arena stars? I hope u are joking

the fix got them out of the graveyard but his damage with standard luck (20%) is lower than most Dps, his only strength is saving procs and rage for a great burst, but that takes sooo long that isn't viable in most comps

If u only play typical aggramar arena premades ----> Shaman/Disc + Warlock/Frost mage + X Dps (I play on aggramar too and I dont have fun playing this comps)
nearly every dps could be considered 5 stars, not just fury

but those are general rankings for arena, the first tiers are for specs that excel in nearly every comp

Warrior Arms i'm not sure if 4 or 5 stars, 4 already says he is in a really good spot.
He is easily bursted down without a Discipline priest or Shaman at his back vs heavy dmg comps, cause he is melee and lacks the mobility and heals of the WW, becoming an easy target for DPS (invis ferals, hunters, rets, ww, balance...)
I find it a weakness, even though he is a beast with a strong healer

I agree with BM being lower and WW higher

(talking only about F2P and arena)
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