Which class/spec are you playing and why?

It depends on your objectives.

But I'd like to say that the best class is the one you enjoy playing the most.

Personally, I play rogue outlaw because I like the mobility that the gameplay offers. Whether in pvp or pve, I find that the class/special is pretty versatile. But that doesn't stop me from enjoying the gameplay of the mage or the hunter, who offer a different style of mobility, for example.

(Druid even more so).

I think the best thing to do is to try out the different classes until you find one that suits your style of play : )
Destruction Warlocks. Cuz Chaos Bolt like a Single Action Colt.

Enhancement Shamans is nice, underwhelming in PVE but fun nontheless. Windfury with Ironfoe is funny and I like it. Sadly it pales in comparison to it's other specs. Especially Restoration.

Arms Warrior is also enjoyable as well, Mortal Strike got me acting up. Fury overshadows Arms too much imo despite being much more fun.
Restoration shaman - it's incredibly overpowered.

That's not why i chose it though. I've been playing shaman as a main since late WotLK and i just love the class.

I mostly PvE and resto shammy can comfortably solo most content available to F2P/vet.
I play my shaman to unwind and do all sorts of stuff. Nice for catching up on old content I never got around to do.

I queue as healer which make for fast queues. Nothing like carrying a bunch of 80''s through time walking dungeons. Mostly they jump around me in joy, but once in a while you get a sourpuss that hates being outshined. Mostly people are positive towards twinks though, if you just play with the team and don't leave people behind.

One of the best F2P classes, if you just want to kick back and have fun without it being a hassle.
Beast Master Hunter - tamed a few exotics for PvP/PvE so more utility pets than available to Marksmanship/Survival i.e. Water Striders for water walking.

Rogue - With Vanish back in the <= level 20 stable, quality of life for this class is kind of back. I am hoping that Pick Pocket returns to <= level 20 one day like it USED to be. Or Pick Lock based on Rogue skill and not character level, especially when yet Blizzard gives some non-Engineering professions an unlock perk of up level 50 lockboxes that <= level 20 characters can use or Mechagnomes get a lock pick by level perk equal to Rogues as one of their racial abilities :p

Monk - Windwalker/Mistweaver just for giggles. Well mostly for their teleport as besides Death Knight, Mage, or Druid or if a VET Dark Iron Dwarf not many classes have a natural teleport ability. I find with F2P being able to get to Legion to bank and hometown portals to other portals, having as many teleports as possible just helps you get things done that higher levels tend to take for granted if they can ask a mage to port them or such. F2P with Gnome/Golbin engineering can get two additional teleports into the mix.

But one all-star class is Restoration Shaman (until a nerf), can heal and range DPS without much gear swapping as mentioned @Zany but there is also the Druid but can requirement different gear sets to switch in/out when changing roles.

Honorable Mention ---- Best QOL IMO is Goblin! As they can be Shaman/Rogue/Hunter/Etc. BUT also, they have a 30-minute banker NPC as one of their racial abilities as well as getting Exalted pricing most of time as another perk (there are a few faction or non-faction vendors do not honor the deals).
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I’ve said it before in a similar thread - NElf Druid is master race and class. Druid because you can do everything and stealth dungeons to the bosses you need, and NElf because of racial abilities. +50 dkp if it’s a female NElf.
I’ve said it before in a similar thread - NElf Druid is master race and class. Druid because you can do everything and stealth dungeons to the bosses you need, and NElf because of racial abilities. +50 dkp if it’s a female NElf.
I've always liked druid so that might be the choice then.
I've looked up your druid on the armory and see that you're specced resto with int gear, but have quite a few talents in bear/cat abilities.
Do you put up hots and hop into form for kills or how would that work?
restocat hits like a friggin truck, my gear is half-gemmed and I have only a few enchants and my shreds crit for like 1.6k on mobs
1st is Fury Warrior. Just lvled to 20 yesterday. Need to regear but working on it.
2nd is Mistweaver monk, lvl 10. No higher.
I've always liked druid so that might be the choice then.
I've looked up your druid on the armory and see that you're specced resto with int gear, but have quite a few talents in bear/cat abilities.
Do you put up hots and hop into form for kills or how would that work?
Some Druid builds can work with shapeshifting and healing -- Cat or bear abilities to hit at least 1 point in Killer Instinct and up to 2 pts in Nature's instinct + Nature's Swiftness [enables a few spells in any form] and a few others in Restoration tree work well as mentioned cat form has a stealth but switching to bear can increase health and armor.

The key through is balancing out the gear because with Druid the specialization choice into Restoration or Balance, turns off agility on dual stat gear in favor of Intelect so one needs either pure stat intellect or agility but as I mentioned your agility is actually turn off in Restoration/Balance mode so it may be better to take Improved Nature's Cure over Killer Instinct.

My personal bane with Druid --
  • Is my best "geared" Druid is a Night Elf on a veteran account, so I do not play with it as much while using game time to unlock stuff - I don't want to accidently level past 20 on it.
  • On my F2P account, my Druids have not been lucky with grandfathered or those one chance gear drops and I'm way behind as in the past my better starter characters where Rogue/Hunter/Warlock before WoD got added to the starter and these were luckier at getting better gear drops.
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I've always liked druid so that might be the choice then.
I've looked up your druid on the armory and see that you're specced resto with int gear, but have quite a few talents in bear/cat abilities.
Do you put up hots and hop into form for kills or how would that work?
Yep, just what you said…throw on your hots and shift into kitty mode for the kill. Then repeat. Resto kitty hits really hard, as someone else said. I don’t usually use bear form unless it’s to save myself or wait on cds.
any healer because i love to sit back and save ppl from incoming dmg my fav healer is hpally though, i love the fact that you can instantly heal ppl to full health with word of glory it is like a lay on hands but no cooldown i always make sure i have 3 holy power to save someone on command
Beast master hunter for questing and collecting
Protection paladin for farming dungeons
Vengeance demon hunter for exploration and exploits

The hunter feels like home, the paladin feels like a power fantasy, and the demon hunter feels like cheating
I’ve said it before in a similar thread - NElf Druid is master race and class. Druid because you can do everything and stealth dungeons to the bosses you need, and NElf because of racial abilities. +50 dkp if it’s a female NElf.

For me it's always been stealth and mobility (obviously not for bosses) but healing certainly helps!
I probably should create another topic, but for interesting class options that the following have an extra factor:

  • Horde Mage -- except for the Night Elf (with their Shadowmeld as example) as an option, one current advantage of a Horde Mage is Portal: Stonard
    • Due to removing all teleports but for the Hall of Guardians, only the Horde Mages have a fast way to get to Eastern Kingdoms without being Alliance or using the Silvermoon Portal and taking portal to Undercity or flying.
  • Rogue -- similarly can get the Scroll of Teleport: Ravenholdt; I was kind of surprised how useful this item was - granted 1 hour cooldown but for Alliance saves flying as well as for the Horde getting another option to get to Eastern Kingdom.

Both of these extra fast travels, helps when levelling Argent Dawn/Crusade or getting closer to Cataclysm areas for getting mats. Which before Legion, Death Knights had this as they could use their WOTLK base to get around.

Side Bar: Granted Druids kind of has this capability with their Dreamwalk/Nature's Beacon toy but I mention these above if one is not wanting a druid. Dreamwalk is probably the best fast travel and supplemented with Nature's Beacon can even reach spots that the Dreamwalk doesn't have a portal for.
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