@Holythane , totally missed your post. Thank you for the warm welcome.
@Dragpz , I figured priest playstyle was 1 dimensional. Although it's strength in battlegrounds is tempting, I will pass on it.
@Voc , I love AV! Having a 40v40 brawl sounds so good. I'm mostly wanting to do it because of the mount looks so badass.
@icehawk , shooting arrows from far away while hiding behind my friends sounds exactly up my alleay. Pets - I don't really care for, but the thing that concerns me is hunter survivability. I'm leveling one right now and it's so ezmode, I love it. According to wowhead, hunters don't have a heal at level 20, so I'm still skeptical I'll be good enough to survive in battlegrounds.
@Naxxramaskid , thank you for your insight. Warlock is the next class I want to try out. How weak are they against melee classes? Good in battleground settings - warsong gulch, arathi basin? If a warrior/rogue/paladin is on me, is that a guaranteed death?
@SPQR , thank you so much for such a detailed post. I really appreciate it. Affliction lock has 2 votes now (as well as hunter). One thing I don't like about druid is I am limited in race options and it sucks that I won't be able to see my armor/weapon in animal (?) forms. The more I read up on warlock, the more badass it sounds. Would you say their kit is fairly one dimensional? (dots,fear,shadow bolt?,rinse repeat) Like I asked
@Naxxramaskid , do they fare poorly against melee classes?
If you're implying that hunters should not be dying (as long as I kite well), then I am very very tempted to main it. Markman sounds very cool.
I'll be testing warlock and hunter throughout the week and post an update on my findings. Thank you again guys.
@Naxxramaskid, how are shamans? Particularly enhancement and elemental. The kit looks pretty fun but it may not be worth it if they're way too down on the totem pole of class tier list. Your shaman look so badass.