Which Class are you most Impressed by when you see them performing well in a BG?

Which Class is most impressive to you when played well?

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Demon hunter

Huh? I’m simply saying Hunters leading the votes in this poll for “most impressive” when Marks is a meme spec that literally one-shots people just goes to prove that many twinks are the brightest lol.

Someone that off-heals in group play, focuses healers and interrupts, uses Fear to Cc key players on the enemy team to turn the tide of a skirmish... that’s “impressive” and “performing well”. Unfortunately, most people in this bracket zerg mid and want to flex their e-peen by tunneling undergeared levelers and falling all over themselves trying to get Killing Blows.

No one said end-game is incredibly diverse or hard to play — it’s a known fact that a large majority of people that don’t twink see twinks as people that wouldn’t fare well in the meta PvP.

Its a joke dude, the ppl voting hunter know they are the best they are doing it because its a joke and its funny.
Hands down Warlocks, they lack movment speed spells/counter spells.(CC spell like fear isnt counter spells, counter spell is like pummel Warriors have and what mages have). And seeing thier Chaos Bolt and Soul Fire one shot people gives me a feeling of euphoria that my class never gets the bad end of the stick.

demo lock has a 4 sec stun and a 6 sec counterspell(pvp talent)
I'd say demo is in a great spot, the other 2 locks though have no real interrupt other than fear. they are all great in their own ways though, i love playing all of them
demo lock has a 4 sec stun and a 6 sec counterspell(pvp talent)
I'd say demo is in a great spot, the other 2 locks though have no real interrupt other than fear. they are all great in their own ways though, i love playing all of them

Demo is in a great spot on 20 PvP? Are they able to put out any damage?

Destruction has typically had the burst, while Affliction was for whittling away and spread pressure — don’t think I’ve ever heard someone say they were pleased with where Demonology was... not doubting you, just truly curious!
Demo is in a great spot on 20 PvP? Are they able to put out any damage?

Destruction has typically had the burst, while Affliction was for whittling away and spread pressure — don’t think I’ve ever heard someone say they were pleased with where Demonology was... not doubting you, just truly curious!

it has the best burst out of all 3 specs but that burst is on a 1 min cd. Basically I'll pop all of my trinkets, pop the stun, pop demonic strength, pop dreadstalkers, pop everything tbh. Instant kill for anyone with less than 3k hp who doesn't get away

if they do get away, lol im toast. but that's part of the fun I guess
it has the best burst out of all 3 specs but that burst is on a 1 min cd. Basically I'll pop all of my trinkets, pop the stun, pop demonic strength, pop dreadstalkers, pop everything tbh. Instant kill for anyone with less than 3k hp who doesn't get away

if they do get away, lol im toast. but that's part of the fun I guess

Sounds fun and gimmicky — what trinkets do you use?
Whoever builds their toon so that when you inspect you say "what the fuck is that", but respect the choice. You have i28 greens wtih 60% crit for no reason and did not just buy a BC gem gear short bus ticket? Love it.
Curious how "made a trip to the AH" is somehow less short bus than "farmed some dungeons"
I have done 60 runs of blood furnace for a socket belt man that short bus ticket isn't very short.
Sounds fun and gimmicky — what trinkets do you use?

Elekk Tusk with Kihra's Adrenaline Injector gets me to 80% mastery
you could just as easily substitute Kihra's for for Enforcer's Stun Grenade (vers)

I'm too lazy to post links
Whoever builds their toon so that when you inspect you say "what the fuck is that", but respect the choice. You have i28 greens wtih 60% crit for no reason and did not just buy a BC gem gear short bus ticket? Love it.
Oh jade :) im 1000% on that boat!
I have done 60 runs of blood furnace for a socket belt man that short bus ticket isn't very short.

Dude.... he only has 8 drops! that's like mathemelogically impossibru! :(

Cant you just run it a few times with 5 twinks? Get some trading action going... pay people if you gotta. Actually, i bet you could solo that boss even, just get a 40+ to run you to him and log out so you get legacy loot rules and both drops for 20.

edit- if you're subbed too you can do that yourself. It's what i was doing at 10-15 to gear them (cuz it's easy mode there).

(you're talking the mail belt, right?)

edit- ok you cant be talking about that one cuz https://www.wowhead.com/item=29319/tarren-mill-defenders-cinch?bonus=6710 is better and a quest reward...

Yeah, teh cloth one took me forever too. With 3 chances at it each run via 4 accounts. The sickly secret is..... dont run for the belt - run along trying for someone else's gear and the belt will drop really quick. You'll get 3-4 before they get theirs. ;)
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I was not referring to the speed at which you can acquire gear.. that is just relevant to how often you play wow. If you are just out in Dustavar humping pigs all day... you'll have greens.

A priest with all TBC gem gear with +2int+2stam gems is almost identical to one that went "CrAAAAAAaaaazY" and put in all +2int+2verse gems. They will tell you otherwise... great.

Somebody that just built some coolness with +40crit+25 haste with all +speed/leech and does just as well... is just cooler... they look cooler... the choice is cooler... and when it really just comes down to it they are just a better human being.

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