Which Class are you most Impressed by when you see them performing well in a BG?

Which Class is most impressive to you when played well?

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only played a few but seen hunters hitting 2k plus aimed shots from 270 yards away through rocks
Hear me out on this, the majority of hunters are so bad that when one does something good I am legit left shocked.
The answers so far show why people think the average twink is a moron that couldn’t hack it in end-game PvP.
Sure destro can one shot for 2k in world pvp, but some people underestimate Demo lock in AoE burst situations, demonic strength can 80-0 (with fragility on main target) alot of players other than those using steady talasite gems
Hands down Warlocks, they lack movment speed spells/counter spells.(CC spell like fear isnt counter spells, counter spell is like pummel Warriors have and what mages have). And seeing thier Chaos Bolt and Soul Fire one shot people gives me a feeling of euphoria that my class never gets the bad end of the stick.
yea bc endgame is much more balanced, there aren't any specs that are clearly op

Huh? I’m simply saying Hunters leading the votes in this poll for “most impressive” when Marks is a meme spec that literally one-shots people just goes to prove that many twinks are the brightest lol.

Someone that off-heals in group play, focuses healers and interrupts, uses Fear to Cc key players on the enemy team to turn the tide of a skirmish... that’s “impressive” and “performing well”. Unfortunately, most people in this bracket zerg mid and want to flex their e-peen by tunneling undergeared levelers and falling all over themselves trying to get Killing Blows.

No one said end-game is incredibly diverse or hard to play — it’s a known fact that a large majority of people that don’t twink see twinks as people that wouldn’t fare well in the meta PvP.
Warrior rn gets juicy. Pretty cool watching them absolutely shred ppl. Shield/1h swaps in dicey situations is badass also... :)


I do agree that skilled warrior play is fun to watch. My ONLY issue with Warriors is they're more team-dependent than other classes. Without team support in the form of heals, slows, stuns, etc. your upside diminishes pretty rapidly.

For that reason, I am generally more impressed by hybrid classes that can carry their way through a BG regardless of what their team comp looks like.

Watching a Pally or a Druid or a Sham or a Monk glide into an objective and 1v3 while micro-managing CCs and consumables is satisfying for me, which is something a Warrior generally cannot do.
Hands down Warlocks, they lack movment speed spells/counter spells.(CC spell like fear isnt counter spells, counter spell is like pummel Warriors have and what mages have). And seeing thier Chaos Bolt and Soul Fire one shot people gives me a feeling of euphoria that my class never gets the bad end of the stick.

Agreed, I think in terms of pure skill variable (i.e. the difference between a bad player and a great player), Locks are at the top.

My issue is, I can’t recall ever actually SEEING an exceptional Lock in a BG in recent history. Whenever I see one, they’re more of a nuisance/second thought than an actual threat that needs to be addressed. I recently dueled a lock that managed to 1-shot Crit me out of a fear on my Talasite-heavy Pally and that impressed me, but I have yet to have a similar encounter in a BG.

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