<Wheres the Flag> HORDE Lvl 20-24 Emerald Dream - US

<Wheres the Flag> Emerald Dream - US HORDE

We are looking for more 20-24 twinks for premade Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin. All we ask is you come with a good attitude, put forth the effort in battlegrounds and have a good time! Make sure to look over twinkinfo regarding BiS gear, professions, enchants etc...

If you have questions or need assistance we are willing to help with runs for gear, taking Halaa for WHISKEY! :cool: and most profession based needs (Enchants, Alchemy, Cooking, Crafted Gear).

FTP 20 friends are welcome on Emerald Dream as well. Those that wish to join up with P2P accounts for premade BG's can /join wherestheflag chat channel to request invites.

Contact Jinx (shaleen#1511) or Epichealtimé for invite or more info!

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Still looking for more players interested in premades. We got vent set up this last weekend. Had a blast winning games all day yesterday with our cross realm friends hit us up for invites shaleen#1511
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I've been in a few pugs solo queueing with you on my 24 rogue on Moon Guard Horde.

Was on defense with you and some rogue you queued with. Solid players, wouldn't mind doing premades but I play my F2P more than my 24 lately and I'm generally against large 24 premades. :<

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