2017 Twink Cup Champion
stay in yo lane fooSimply false
don't make me do you like nas did jay
stay in yo lane fooSimply false
Welcome to 20-29s you suck, have a nice day.Hello, I'm a bit mad right now. Since I've created my 20 twink on alliance I haven't won a single BG. Literally. Done like 10 in past 2 days, horde completely DESTROYS alliance in every one I join. What's going on?!
Sure but I don't think it would contribute to as large of a disadvantage as he is implyingtrue so far as it goes, but missing gear slots have a huge impact, and most levelers are missing multiple slots- so a twink team has not just a skill advantage, but a stat advantage as well. This twink advantage really only exists in the first few brackets.
stay in yo lane foo
don't make me do you like nas did jay