Where were you...

i was at my home in Australia wondering why the morning cartoons weren't on. i didn't understand it at the time. but we heard nothing until the 12th due to being a day in front of america. bless those who were involved. <3
I was in first grade, and was wondering why everybody was so emotional
I was 7 and all the teachers were freaking out at school, they never told us what was happening due to living so close to new york but we all knew that something was wrong. The teachers did not say anything because they were afraid that some of the childrens parents worked there. We were not released early from school. Most peoples parents came and picked them up at school early. My aunt worked at the twin towers, luckily she did not go to work that day because it was her birthday. 9/11/01, never forget.
I was watching the news before leaving class. Saw the second plane crash and had to leave for class shortly after. Ended up watching some more coverage in my first period (german) and then classes got cancelled for the day.
I was 12 when this all happened. I was walking down the hall to my first period class and this kid ran down the halls screaming "WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE! THEY HIT THE TWIN TOWERS!" I walked into my class and was the first one there. My teacher had ESPN on the TV and was on a fantasy football message board. I asked him what was going on with the twin towers and he said I don't know. I asked if we were really going to die and he said "What? Why would you say that." He turned on the news right as the second plane hit. Next thing I know I am leaving school and my dad came to pick me and my brother up. My dad had put an American flag antenna top on his cars antenna. We got home and everyone but me was sitting in front of the TV watching the news. My other brother who was 4 at the time asked what was going on. I told him a plane filled with crash test dummies hit an empty building and he went back to playing with his toys. I walked out back and just remember there was nothing in the sky. I live not to far from an airport and planes are very common to see around my house ... It was eerie ...

I just woke up and was about to head out the door to class (fifth grade).
Was at home getting ready for school when the first tower was hit. Right as I left, I saw, on live TV on the Today show as the 2nd tower was hit. I remember hearing Matt Lauer just in complete shock as the plane came into view and slammed into the building. At the moment, the question over whether it was an accident completely vanished.

I then went to school and they called an assembly in the cafeteria. There we all sat and watched in horror as we saw both towers collapse, one after the other. It was a truly terrifying experience. Words really can't describe the emotion in that room amongst the students and teachers.

One of my parents then came back by to pick me up. I also live next to an airport and it's a common thing to see jets flying over head. But the skies were completely clear. It was very bizarre.
Was at home getting ready for school when the first tower was hit. Right as I left, I saw, on live TV on the Today show as the 2nd tower was hit. I remember hearing Matt Lauer just in complete shock as the plane came into view and slammed into the building. At that moment, the question over whether it was an accident completely vanished.

I then went to school and they called an assembly in the cafeteria. There we all sat and watched in horror as we saw both towers collapse, one after the other. It was a truly terrifying experience. Words really can't describe the emotion in that room amongst the students and teachers.

Seeing the NY skyline covered in smoke and dust, people on the streets screaming and running for their lives, covered in ash. News reporters struggling to find words to explain what is happening. Seeing people, on live TV, jumping out of the towers to their death. Unreal.

One of my parents then came back by to pick me up. I also live next to an airport and it's a common thing to see jets flying over head. But the skies were completely clear that day. It was very bizarre. I also live next to an Air Force base so I half expected to see fighters patrolling the skies. I'm sure they were up there somewhere.
i was 5 at the time, dont remember a lot but my mom turned off my gameboy color right when i was about to defeat brock in the first gym

my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and all the people in the us
I was only in Kindergarden, so i was 5. I don't remember much, but I think the teacher just told us something bad happened. I learned more later. But R.I.P. to everyone who got killed on this day.
freshman in highschool, had strength training(weightlifting) first period and we came out and wondered why no one was in the halls. made it to my second period american history class and found out. we spent the day in whatever class we were in at the time watching the news and trying to figure out what was going on.

2 days later my mom called me to tell me she was re called to active duty and headed back oversea's
just like everyone I was in school. a piece of shit private school my mom sent me just for a few weeks of grade six 'till i refused to go anymore. then took like 5 years to figure out what really happened.
I was 4 at the time and i live in texas so i didn't really know what happened until like a few years later =P

Also i thought most people on the site were like 19-25 besides some lol

Praying for those people

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