Where my Alliance at?!


It's quite apparent that Alliance are the under dogs within the 19 bracket. I've been away for quite some time and I'm finally going to start activity playing again now that I'm guilded up with a few buddies of mine.

Obviously Warriors aren't much of anything without a healer. I can buff up to 2.7khp with roughly 53% physical damage reduction all day, but that doesn't mean shit when you're getting train wrecked by multiple Horde at the same time.

My question is pretty simple.

Who are some dependable Alliance healers I can count on in the gulch when FCing? I ask because I will be solo queueing 98% of the time. I'd be nice to get even a minor list of dependable/amazing healers who are great FCS.

I want names of people are great at their class, not people you chose to list because of popularity, I know there are some great heals out there that aren't in the lime light, list yourselves!

I want names, so when I join a WSG I can see that persons name given from TI and know I'll be more than ok while FCing.

Catch you in the Gulch, my friends :) Let's wreck some Hordies!
this is an actual post about twink information.... thats not discussed anymore
please refer to Pizza's WoW Armory post to find his favorite healers
where is alliance? At the GY silly, getting farmed by us hordies :)
I will be xfering my druid ally for some gear. I will help you underdogs overcome the evil that is the horde.
this is an actual post about twink information.... thats not discussed anymore
please refer to Pizza's WoW Armory post to find his favorite healers

I don't want a list of his favorite healers though :( I asked the community on their thoughts. There are a lot of healers not even on TI, not to mention the ones that are and have no exposure.
Simple thoughts come into my head and the great feature of Realid comes into play. If you do come across some good healers that are willing to que up with you get them into your group and xserver que.
While Alliance does need good healers/FC's, we need good DPS too. Seeing 5-6 trash rogues on Alliance side every game while facing 4-6 hunters on Horde side is just painful.

Not to mention that some guy has been dual boxing 2 orc hunters as of recent, which is annoying.
While Alliance does need good healers/FC's, we need good DPS too. Seeing 5-6 trash rogues on Alliance side every game while facing 4-6 hunters on Horde side is just painful.

Not to mention that some guy has been dual boxing 2 orc hunters as of recent, which is annoying.

They have names : Damgood & Damgoodtoo, they are quite some bars above skill capped,

Explo shot ftw
Welp, I just finished gearing my mage with the lack of his two AGM trinkets.

Can't wait to hit warsong.

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