I just logged on tonight to joke around and found myself in a different atmosphere.
Whether its the 19 geared f2p trolling me for key-board turning (was using my laptop w/o a mouse atm).
Or the holy pally telling in all caps " YOU SUCK" "I DIDN'T EVEN EXO SPAM" "LEARN TO PLAY NUB" to a poor mage in front of Orgrimar after beating him in a duel.
Or the hostility met to differing opinion in our little channel.
It seems the overturning influx of individuals has changed the camaraderie amongst the f2p community, at least on AP horde. I spent a large amount of time gearing/achievement hunting/transmoging my toon as have many others and it pains me to see this change. I log on only to kibitz with friends once made and just have a good laugh and a little fun, but I am now met with this. I hope this display was a fluke and will either die out or never return, or the f2p community may see less and less of myself and most likely other like-minded players.
Dare I say the word: reroll?
This is a game-wide issue. Kindness is being gradually forgotten. There's several factors, I suspect, but my biggest theory is the average age of the WoW player has dramatically gone down. When I picked up WoW in 2005 I rarely ran into kids and most guilds required people be at least 18. Now there's a bunch of kids in the game that get off on being an anonymous, entitled jerk to everyone they encounter in-game. It's the 4chan effect being spread to other venues. Now that's not to say that every kid is that way, but I've met way more on here and in-game that are than are not (and a few adults that seem stuck in their development).