Where do YOU commonly World PvP?

I look for WPvP wherever there's plenty of level 20+ killable leveling players in a zone's /who on the opposite faction (usually Ashenvale or Northern Stranglethorn [occasionally Stonetalon as well], if ganking Hordes. Elsewhere if ganking Alliance).

And I do WPvP on both PvP and non-PvP servers. On non-PvP servers, many (though not all) non-flagged leveling players will gank (or attempt to gank) flagged players if they believe they'll win (low hp? non-BoA mogs? level difference? /gank!).
Riding to who-knows-where, then passing you and seeing you flagged-for-PvP, some will pause, stare at you (almost always about a second or two or more), U-turn, and attack you. Who said WPvP doesn't exist on non-PvP servers?

/sit and /afk while flagged-for-PvP around a opposite faction's quest hub is also a tempting bait to some (unless there's a player's corpse/skeleton nearby. "Really, I'm afk! Come at me!!!").


Here's a "small" (fun), different situation that happened some time ago:
Several patches ago, I rolled a Human on a well-populated server, and started a quest to kill 8 of these orcs. They all looked identical, including /stealth walking around like they normally do, but one... had 300k+ hp, was buffed, and had his HordePvP-flag-on. My PvP flag turned on after tossing one attack without checking my target fast enough, and ran when I immediately saw that "mob"s numbers. I was spared, as that 300k hp HordePvP-flagged orc continued to /rp"stealth"walk like nothing happened.

But, there were a handful of starting humans who attacked this 300k hp "mob", some even for a solid 5+ seconds, before that "mob" punished one for not paying attention. I still wonder what those starting players were thinking at that time.
The PvPers on that realm eventually killed and chased this "mob" out. Still, that made my day.


Given the above, I wonder if that inspires similar ideas.
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