Where are the Healers needed?

Im looking to roll a 20 twink and I was wondering which faction I should roll. I know that horde need people but if people are just doing war games would it be better to just roll alliance? Also which healers are the best at 20? I was probably going to roll a dwarf holy paladin but have no problem rolling horde and a different healer class instead and does anyone have any BiS armory links to holy paladins at 20?
Both factions need healers but ally more I think. Horde players often join bg on 24 lvl healers. And the game is hard with them. So hmm I'll roll ally. In my opinion shammys are op, but every healer is good enough to play bg/war games. :)
Jaarrol said:
Both factions need healers but ally more I think. Horde players often join bg on 24 lvl healers. And the game is hard with them. So hmm I'll roll ally. In my opinion shammys are op, but every healer is good enough to play bg/war games. :)



I'm horde btw.
Maybe you have a bad luck. When I always join bg, there must be a 24 healer with 1-2 pro uber skilled 24 hunters or rogues so... No comment
Horde is down in overall numbers, especially healers.
Jaarrol said:
Both factions need healers but ally more I think. Horde players often join bg on 24 lvl healers. And the game is hard with them. So hmm I'll roll ally. In my opinion shammys are op, but every healer is good enough to play bg/war games. :)

wow, holy shit. this is a complete and utter disingenuous flat-out lie. i have never once seen a level 24 horde healer in any battleground. in fact, i can count the TOTAL number of horde healers that i have EVER SEEN in 20 bgs on my two hands.

also, nice catch @iaccidentallytwink, hahahahaha
oh guys think what you want. I dnt wanna quarrel. Maybe only I have a bad luck and have healers in opposite team.


i'm talking about healers from all realms who queue bg. You are talking about Aerie Peak? On Aerie Peak more healers in ally.
I will say it has come to a point for me that I have to take my druid over my other 20s as there is hardly ever healers on horde. It does get annoying though when I do take my druid and I get undergeared teammates that aren't worth healing.

As for what healing class to take I feel they all bring something useful to the fight.

druid - root, mobility

shaman - purge, wind shear, earth shield, healing stream, earthbind

paladin - silence, stun, tanky

priest - PWS, instant fear

Shaman have the highest skill cap though and are probably best overall with a skilled player behind it.
Parfait said:
I will say it has come to a point for me that I have to take my druid over my other 20s as there is hardly ever healers on horde. It does get annoying though when I do take my druid and I get undergeared teammates that aren't worth healing.

As for what healing class to take I feel they all bring something useful to the fight.

druid - root, mobility

shaman - purge, wind shear, earth shield, healing stream, earthbind

paladin - silence, stun, tanky

priest - PWS, instant fear

Shaman have the highest skill cap though and are probably best overall with a skilled player behind it.

I think we really need to start queueing as a group and doing wargames because it's getting rather ridiculous that we continuously get split up.
Maybe Ill make a shaman, a resto shaman use to be my main so it shouldnt be 2 hard. Whats the wargame situation like though I dont want to roll horde and be stuck doing only WSG BGs and getting stomped so if only ally is running wargames regularly ill probably roll ally

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