Where are all the Priests?

When I die and the priest next to me is busy mind blasting people of course I'm going to get mad.

This along with hybrids who never ever ever cast a heal, or crappy 900 health/holy priests who go around casting shield on everyone when it only absorbs for 300 are amongst my biggest pet peeves in teammates. Never mind, the list of teammate annoyances is too long. It's a wonder we don't all afk out every game.
I've played both Holy Pal and Disc at this level and at higher levels during my P2P days and my observations:

Cutting the bubble duration from 30 seconds to 15 seconds (to match the weakened soul debuff) hurts Disc quite a bit. You can't cheese back-to-back bubbles like you used to. This was pretty useful especially when you had rogues beating on you.

Disc has a larger mana pool but also goes OOM faster, and once OOM in combat a Disc basically has nothing, while an OOM Holy Pal can basically always cast Holy Shock and follow it up with Word of Glory.

Disc can use Shadow Word: Pain on rogues and ferals to prevent easy restealthing, Holy Pal has nothing comparable.

The Fortitude buff is pretty huge at this level. The average F2P player probably has around 1200 health, 18 stam represents roughly a 15% health increase. If you have a priest(s) that are smart enough to rebuff Fort during the BG it is a pretty big advantage against a team without a priest.

Holy Pals can take a real pounding vs melee, a priest with bubble down/purged is a sad squishy thing. BoP and LoH are on fairly long CDs but add a bit of value when used properly.

A Disc can take down someone low on life from 30-40 yards, while a Holy can't.

Disc can put out better pressure with Holy Fire - Mind Blast - Penance than a Holy can with Exo spam.

Fear CD is half as long as HoJ, can hit multiple targets, but breaks on damage. Fear can also pull a nearby unseen rogue out of stealth, while a Paladin has no similar AoE.
I've played both Holy Pal and Disc at this level and at higher levels during my P2P days and my observations:

Cutting the bubble duration from 30 seconds to 15 seconds (to match the weakened soul debuff) hurts Disc quite a bit. You can't cheese back-to-back bubbles like you used to. This was pretty useful especially when you had rogues beating on you.

Disc has a larger mana pool but also goes OOM faster, and once OOM in combat a Disc basically has nothing, while an OOM Holy Pal can basically always cast Holy Shock and follow it up with Word of Glory.

Disc can use Shadow Word: Pain on rogues and ferals to prevent easy restealthing, Holy Pal has nothing comparable.

The Fortitude buff is pretty huge at this level. The average F2P player probably has around 1200 health, 18 stam represents roughly a 15% health increase. If you have a priest(s) that are smart enough to rebuff Fort during the BG it is a pretty big advantage against a team without a priest.

Holy Pals can take a real pounding vs melee, a priest with bubble down/purged is a sad squishy thing. BoP and LoH are on fairly long CDs but add a bit of value when used properly.

A Disc can take down someone low on life from 30-40 yards, while a Holy can't.

Disc can put out better pressure with Holy Fire - Mind Blast - Penance than a Holy can with Exo spam.

Fear CD is half as long as HoJ, can hit multiple targets, but breaks on damage. Fear can also pull a nearby unseen rogue out of stealth, while a Paladin has no similar AoE.

Really great priest-pally comparison!

One thing:

Disc can use Shadow Word: Pain on rogues and ferals to prevent easy restealthing, Holy Pal has nothing comparable.
I'm pretty sure that Hand of Reckoning still puts players into combat, preventing restealthing for a short time. I use it whenever possible, so if it doesn't, I am sad. :(
What's more annoying is when I need to tank a bad Rogue for three kick durations before the thought of peeling crosses anyone's mind.

When I'm on my Rogue, I just set the best healer to focus and Sinister Strike anyone on him like it's Shiv, get crippling procs instantly and peel melee classes like a banana.
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The most disappointing thing about healing in pugs is people yelling for heals but not taking care of protecting you.

It's a common scene that the group leaves you "sapped"-alone. Thats the reason why i love to have good offense
abilities for saving a bit of fun for the rest of the bg.

I have been told that priests are only supposed to be healing and that I focus DPS to much.
Then I am told, that they are supposed to DPS.
The line is actually rather easy.

If you see someone dieing next to you: Shield, Flash Heal, Renew (and another Flash if needed)
If you see someone is getting focused: Shield + Renew

The most important thing is just to keep your shield on CD when people are taking damage. There is no reason not too. So don't start Mindblasting a random scrub when a teammate is going down because of some stupid Hunter is backpeddling firing at him.

Another thing what sets me up, is the wrong use of Fear. Mostly its only used (if it s used at all), to prevent damage on yourself from melee. Can't be more wrong. Healers, multiple Hunters with their pets, some EFC you're only at and your team needs to get in range. Fear is such a versatile ability. The uses are nearly limitless.
When I die and the priest next to me is busy mind blasting people of course I'm going to get mad. I hate priests in this bracket

I was playing one of my ally alts (nonAP) and was happy to see an AP priest on my team and decided to stick with him. I died at his feet and was a little sad. I guess holy fire was more important than a bubble or even a renew...lol. But. hell man. it's a game and people can do whatever they want. All good. It's just a lil shocking at times.

Anyways, On Topic - H Pally is easy and effective so I think people gravitate towards the spec/class.
Priests are awesome however and I am surprised we do not see more of them in this bracket.

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