When do you use AGM?

When do you use your AGM

  • I always forget to use it!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • When it's me against entire BG and I don t have a chance to win anyway.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • When the CD is over.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • When I meet a worthy adversary

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Who is AGM?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't use AGM

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
gr1pp said:
Any opponent who doesn't use AGM is too bad to be called worthy anyway, willingly gimping yourself out of a strategic option (in this case using AGM) proves you aren't even close to play your class to it's limit.

Well, what I was really talking about in my first post was about the decision of when to pop the AGM in WSG.

The conversation spilled by extension into duels/Arena, which is a very different animal altogether.

Arena is all about survival and I have no qualms in popping the AGM if necessary.

In WSG, the decision is less clear cut and I have already explained when I would use it.

You don't want to waste your AGM proc on an irrelevant fight. And certainly not to satisfy your ego.

Losing a fight against a worthy opponent does not worry me so much.

I will have learned and there will be other opportunities.
Boris_amj said:
- When I am attacking the efc and is surrounded by many allies. It might just buy me enough time to kill the efc.

- Also when I am being ganked.

Especially when that cowardly rogue who kept running away from me joins in and emotes /rofl.

At that point I activate my AGM and go straight for his ass.

- I sometimes use it when I'm carrying the flag and many opponents are against me. I usually drop the Battle Standard too.

- I never use it when fighting a worthy opponent. I always want to see if I can best him/her without the extra help. If I die, I usually emote a /salute at the first opportunity.

This is what I use mine for.
none of the above. I save it for when I have a chance at dropping the FC and there is DPS on D I need to avoid.
gr1pp said:
Any opponent who doesn't use AGM is too bad to be called worthy anyway, willingly gimping yourself out of a strategic option (in this case using AGM) proves you aren't even close to play your class to it's limit.

Shamans/Priests really don't need AGM. They can even the playing field with a purge/dispell.

Yes, it helps if you are playing someone other than another Shaman/Priest, but definitely not the "end all, be all"
You'd be surprised to see how many priests/shamans don't know or can't be bothered with Dispel :(

And in any case, as a Warrior there's no need to pop the AGM when fighting a Priest or even a Shaman at this level.

They just don't do enough damage and they take a lot.

Carefully time your Shield Bash to interrupt any heals, and they don't last a minute.

But I'm telling you what you already know ...
bleah shaman and purge?

never heard about this

i always thought agm is indestructible...

mb because i never used it against a shaman - because i can beat them without using agm

and because i never used them against a priest - if he is holy twink is dumb to think that you can kill him alone, if he is not holy and twink you can kill him easily

if he is twink holy and you use it - the priest will not use dispell because he doesn't know it will dispel agm...

lol today i found out that the 12 dodge rating from agm was replaced with 12 stamina... this means that i have + 240 HP on my twink now

RC-ST. said:
bleah shaman and purge?

...if he is holy twink is dumb to think that you can kill him alone...

What are you talking about ?

Good Rogues and Warriors make mincemeat of any holy priest you care to mention.

The trick is to time the heal interrupt properly.

Their only option is to set a Fear loose and run like the wind.

If your insignia is not on CD, that's not going to help them much.

Even if your insignia is on CD, a Warrior would have very likely Hamstring'd the Priest anyway, so it's not as if they'd be getting away in a hurry...
I use it a lot on all my classes (priest, rogue, mage, hunter, paladin). Whenever I want to avoid dps and with the cooldown not being to bad nowadays I find myself not saving it as much.

Only thing to keep an eye open for are dispellers and purgers, and I'm still surprised at howmany times I can still get away with using it (they don't know/ see it can be dispelled?).

2 situations where I have found it game winning many times:

-I'm FC-ing on priest low on mana low on health big group after me, AGM + renew makes me survive for ages more (and gives me enough time to get some mana back by switching spirit staff).

-Going after Efc on rogue but there's a lot of guards, using this on top of Evasion, gouging/ sapping as many as I can wil just give the edge to grab the flag in may cases (even though I die in the process ;p)

<3 my AGM's :D
i also use it when stupid healer from instance is back and forgot to heal me - i usually atack arund 4 mobs elite in sm gy at 29 level...
RC-ST. said:
I think this can be a good poll

Use mine in situations where I recon it can get a kill or in some way be of advantage to my team.

So pretty much everytime it's off CD and the opportunity presents itself.
When it's game breaking.
RC-ST. said:
i also use it when stupid healer from instance is back and forgot to heal me - i usually atack arund 4 mobs elite in sm gy at 29 level...

do you use it to solo gnomer too?

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