I enjoy playing all healer specs, some more than others depending on what bracket and whether pvp or pve.
But if I have to pick just one then resto druid/shaman is my happy place at any level.
Warrior, specifically Fury (I love the APM madness with high haste counts), but it has always been kind of daunting to me that the class is an eternal wheelchair, so I switched out to Hunter
resto shaman always liked to fc with offensive abilities
monk BM and MW, being a tank as monk in legion was fun, no idea how is today, loved mw since wod
I vote for DK too despite so many changes over the years
I started just before WOTLK dropped and they were so exciting then and still the coolest imo
any spec of DK is fine by me ... and the other two plate classes are close behind
fun to read through this thread btw
I never would have picked rogue and warrior to be the leaders ... but twinks like to get up close and personal