Whats with these whiny f2ps?

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They play for free but feel as if theyre entitled to everything.
They complain and try to justify themselves when its their fault for being bad with constant indirect salty @posts against 20-29s.
What are your thoughts on this?
No f2ps please as this is the 20-29 section. Thank you.
Give them an inch,
I may have missed these posts, I'm going to look around for them whilst in queue then probably update this.

Edit: couldn't find any skimming through the recent threads, if it is bad enough to warrant a thread you could report the post itself. Can somebody link me the thread which has whining in? I'd like to give them some input.
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They play for free but feel as if theyre entitled to everything.
They complain and try to justify themselves when its their fault for being bad with constant indirect salty @posts against 20-29s.
What are your thoughts on this?
No f2ps please as this is the 20-29 section. Thank you.
I would not like how it looked if I played f2p either but some ppl just need to whine public about it. The best thing is just to ignore it. I think f2ps looks stronger in bgs compered to 20vs24 so that they should be happy about and as for skirmishes we got the exact same problem as they do: we don't want to play vs f2p and they don't want to play vs 29, the only difference is that we kill them instead of leaving which is just as boring imo. Just focus on making your bracket as good as it can be and let the other brackets deal with their own problems, don't feed them.
Well first off.. F2P bracket IS the 20-29 bracket, they are put in the xp off queue.
The only problem I have ever had with F2P players, is laziness. Yes, some are just outright lazy. I know f2p can't get the same enchants as a paid player, but there is no excuse for coming into a battleground with white and empty sockets, just to leech honor points for BOA gear.

I say get your BiS and then worry about getting BOA gear.

As for them being a good or bad player, gear has nothing to do with that. Hence F2P vs paid has nothing to do with it either. Some of these F2P players have been playing for years. Doing nothing else but pvp unless they are farming a new gear item.

Here is a challenge for you. Create a new trial account, pick your favorite class, and twink it for pvp in the 20-29 bracket. Then we can see how good YOU are.
I think people should remember that a lot of f2ps on TI have p2p accounts like myself. but most f2ps in game are worthless trash. They just want balence
Since the bracket merge, a whole three days, all I have seen is level 20 "hate" threads by level 29's that are mostly new to the "recent" style of 20's bracket. I don't believe I have seen any 29 "hate" threads. Yet...
BGs will start popping as soon as everything get ironed out. It has only been three days. Hold your horses padewan.

no one should complain.. p2ps are still stronger but f2ps are decent aswell(way better than 5.4)...give scaling in skirmish and everything is perfect(except obvious class balance mistakes like cat dmg from druids and stuff)
They play for free but feel as if theyre entitled to everything.
They complain and try to justify themselves when its their fault for being bad with constant indirect salty @posts against 20-29s.
What are your thoughts on this?
No f2ps please as this is the 20-29 section. Thank you.

Tasty when i see such arrogance from randoms :))

Question is, what makes you good and them bad? I suppose those 15$/month.
I think people should remember that a lot of f2ps on TI have p2p accounts like myself. but most f2ps in game are worthless trash. They just want balence
yes but theyre not entitled to anything at all when theyre playing for free
Why do you even care if they are whining, think of this game as putting shares in a company. If someone isn't contributing to the company they, there word is useless and meaningless. So just play a 28 or 29 and just wreck them.
Why do you even care if they are whining, think of this game as putting shares in a company. If someone isn't contributing to the company they, there word is useless and meaningless. So just play a 28 or 29 and just wreck them.
example - lazy drug addicts collecting free welfare checks complaining that theyre not receiving enough
You can at least be grateful to them for the fact that in a loong looong time you will have daily bg pops. Use your brains before making such topics...
you have a brain and cant comprehend that the whiny parasite minority such as yourself dont provide the ques
example - lazy drug addicts collecting free welfare checks complaining that theyre not receiving enough
drug addict is maybe not a the best choice for your analogy, because they actively put themselves in a bad position.

Let me instead propose the following analogy. You go to weekly football matches to a footbally field where you pay an entrance fee. There is also a possibility to enter for free, but then you are only only allowed to play barefoot (in fact, the guys who don't pay are only allowed in so that teams can be created faster; otherwise it could happen that you come, pay and there aren't enough players for the teams to be formed).
Now, the teams are created randomly, so you might end up on a good team and play agains a team of blindfolded suckers, or you might be unlucky and end up in a team full of blindfolded players. In any case, the game would be more fun if the freeloaders would be allowed to take their blindfolds off (or at least use one eye, especially since there is no extra cost for the football field provider). In fact, most sane (paying) players would probably complain about the nonsense blindfold rule, since such games would be simply ridiculous.

I agree that the f2p complaints are annoying at times (but, by the above analogy, they are actually for the benefit of p2p as well). Moreover, what paying blizzard customers should be bothered by is the service you are receiving in lower brackets. One of the things you should ask for is the class balance across all brackets not only the max level. And since blizzard has decided to keep the f2p option in game, wouldn't it be more fun to play against a (more) balanced opponent? Isn't the aim of the game to have some challenge not just an easy predictable win (think football)? Isn't it more fun to defeat someone who is equally strong as you, as oposed to just bullying weaker kids (at least for some of us:p)?

edit: whether the queues are faster with f2p, is not an issue, they will be around unless you force blizzard to remove this option; gl with that.
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