whats viable @70?

The Saint

I won't like you
hi guys i'm thinking of makeing a 70, i've played most brackets but not 70s so im looking for a little advice on whats viable and whats not and i'm looking to make a range dps or healer, any help would be great thanks in advance :).
Healing-wise, I can say that Resto shammies & druids are unstoppable, you can have 4-5 melee pounding on you and get away with the right CDs. Probably the same though for priests & pallies if played well. Haven't played 70 very long yet but I prefer it over 19 now b/c a class is not automatically OP or gimped b/c of 1 talent, way more talents to work with.
for resto druids, once ur tree of life is done, good burst can kill you, if you can't get any regrowths off. Casters are a lot easier for r druids.

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