whats the meaning of life?

Rapt0R said:
yea, im a nihilist as well, but im going crazy lately with this question

But why? It's quite clear there is no meaning (the question itself sounds like something a religious person stumbled upon when considering athiesm...). There's no mental reward for solving it or debating it. Really, there's no "meaning". This isn't a game.
iaccidentallytwink said:
This isn't a game.

says who?

lets just revert back to the old "why....why.....why" game. you can never win.
Falkor said:
says who?

lets just revert back to the old "why....why.....why" game. you can never win.

>why" game


This isn't a game. My point stands. There's no use in debating meaningless garbage like the meaning of life. We weren't placed here by some sentient being, so who cares how things play out, just let them do so.
iaccidentallytwink said:
>why" game


There's no use in debating meaningless garbage like the meaning of life.

and yet people always do.

you dont win. you lose. good day sir, I SAID GOOD DAY SIR.

prove beyond reasonable doubt that a sentient being didn't place us here. or that we aren't in the matrix. or anything.
Falkor said:
and yet people always do.

you dont win. you lose. good day sir, I SAID GOOD DAY SIR.

prove beyond reasonable doubt that a sentient being didn't place us here. or that we aren't in the matrix. or anything.

1 + 1 = 2. Not fish.
iaccidentallytwink said:
>why" game


This isn't 4chan.

On topic, life has no deep meaning. It means something different to each and every person.
iaccidentallytwink said:
1 + 1 = 2. Not fish.

says you. 1+1 could totally equal fish
Rapt0R said:
lets just not make another spam thread out of this one, guys.

worthless post.
Food, is srsly the meening of life..

Good food, is bestest (typoo on purpose)
I believe life is like God's Beta. We're here to proof test what he made, thats why things like this happen

Well to understand the meaning of life, you need to understand what life is to begin with, and what we catagorize meanins and religion as.

When your religion comes into play, you're almost forced to believe that there was the one true meaning of life; that we were put here to worship gods almighty power.

And from an athiest look, the above they would say something along the lines of; "Haha, sounds like god is lonely, and made some imaginary friends, that aren't so imaginary after all."

Because looking at gods standpoint, we are NOT a base of imagination or emotion or transperant conciousness. But we are concidered random access of electrical impulses. We are intricate creations of god, to recognize god from the get-go, like machines, programed to be "Free-thinking".

And the standpoint of many people is that if there is a meaning of life, there is only one.

How i see it, i believe the string theory partly, where there are significant events that lead to other things.

But my way of thinking is that there are chunks of string, with events that are meant to happen, but how a person gets to that point is completely abstract, and random. But there are also splits in that string, where you seperate to different "streets" and have significant events down that one, and the events down the other road dicipate.

Take for example death. A person will encounter a choice of death and life before the ages of 10, and many times after that, almost once a week. But common sence and reflexes make it very dificult to follow that forked section in the road, where the string ends in a solid knot, i believe.

And i think that the meaning of life, on HUMAN GROUNDS, is to make yourself memorable and have an impact on the other people around you. Like the famous quote, history ignored is destined to repeat itself.

But there is also different meanins of life. Such as the meaning of life to the WORLD. To the earth, you were put there to take care of the planet we inhabit. You see, adaption and procreation are all subject to the laws of physics. Events that occur on planets, forcefully use the laws of nature to adapt and make the planet thrive for aslong as it possibly can. And for planet earth, that law of nature was us, development of organisms that control the planet.
Twinkzruz said:
Well to understand the meaning of life, you need to understand what life is to begin with, and what we catagorize meanins and religion as.

When your religion comes into play, you're almost forced to believe that there was the one true meaning of life; that we were put here to worship gods almighty power.

And from an athiest look, the above they would say something along the lines of; "Haha, sounds like god is lonely, and made some imaginary friends, that aren't so imaginary after all."

Because looking at gods standpoint, we are NOT a base of imagination or emotion or transperant conciousness. But we are concidered random access of electrical impulses. We are intricate creations of god, to recognize god from the get-go, like machines, programed to be "Free-thinking".

And the standpoint of many people is that if there is a meaning of life, there is only one.

How i see it, i believe the string theory partly, where there are significant events that lead to other things.

But my way of thinking is that there are chunks of string, with events that are meant to happen, but how a person gets to that point is completely abstract, and random. But there are also splits in that string, where you seperate to different "streets" and have significant events down that one, and the events down the other road dicipate.

Take for example death. A person will encounter a choice of death and life before the ages of 10, and many times after that, almost once a week. But common sence and reflexes make it very dificult to follow that forked section in the road, where the string ends in a solid knot, i believe.

And i think that the meaning of life, on HUMAN GROUNDS, is to make yourself memorable and have an impact on the other people around you. Like the famous quote, history ignored is destined to repeat itself.

But there is also different meanins of life. Such as the meaning of life to the WORLD. To the earth, you were put there to take care of the planet we inhabit. You see, adaption and procreation are all subject to the laws of physics. Events that occur on planets, forcefully use the laws of nature to adapt and make the planet thrive for aslong as it possibly can. And for planet earth, that law of nature was us, development of organisms that control the planet.

tl;dr: Shit is random, death isn't.

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