Whats the highest hp you have stacked?

I believe a Nethercleft, 100hp to head, boar's speed to boots, Naxx shoulders Tauren Druid that was best in slot had 2984hp in bearform unbuffed, 3004hp self-buffed. So if you factor in Kings, Mark of the Wild, 20stam Fortitude, Goldenmist Brew, 27hp elixir, Zandalar, Dragonslayer, Battle Standard, Halani Whiskey, and whatever else I'm forgetting, I think the number gets up into nearly 6k range.

I know Fleas had a screenshot of him at 5.2k or so and he was missing one or two things.

The pvp enchant for shoulder in wrath (30 stam 10 resil) that was usable on BoAs and mailed to 19 twinks is one thing you're forgetting. I also believe grouping with a warlock & warrior and getting level 80 Blood pact buff + Commanding shout back then would give more buffed hp than going into a BG and using battle standard.
Damn, I had 3.2k unbuffed on my level 14 Rogue back in Wrath. You guys are slacking.
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