What's the highest crit you've dealt or received at Level 70 with Shield Slam?


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So, 5.2 Has done some serious buffage to warriors! We all know this, they're crazy and over the top in every single way.

((Especially with the 150% Damage increase to shield slam))

The thing I want to know is this!

What's the biggest crit you've dealt or receive at level 70 with Shield Slam?

Now, I normally crit about 18k + with my shield slam...Sometimes I get the occasional fluke of a 50k Crit. (That's within the aspects of PVE)
((9K to 18k - PVP))

Now I want to know this!

What your highest hit dealt or received by shield slam is?
Show me your pictures or tell me your highest impact received in the comment section below.

I'm really intrigued!

hrmm, been hit for like 9k with 74.74% resi on resto dudu.

Highest SS received was about 15k in my feral set which is about 63% resi

Bleh.. Haatbaard just hit me for 11k today ;( 74.74% resi
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got a shieldslam hit for 16k on 66% resi.
and in arena a 9k hit on 72% resi.

in wotlk i had a prot warrior with BiS Block Value gear.

best hit was with revange on two player a double oneshot each for 14k dmg

and best shieldslam was in pvp 29k with all buffs.
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Had a warrior in 2's crit me for 10k then tazik me instantly and 2 shot me, Prot Pallies and Prot Warriors make this bracket nearly unbearable to play.

A 2200 Prot/Spriest/Holy in 3's a couple days ago, Prot bursted through my shield then through my entire HP in about 3 seconds, outplayed pzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Love this bracket :)
Next patch warriors below level 85 shield slam only scales by 50% AP, down from 100%. So hopefully this will "fix" it :)
3-5k. Almost lost a 1v5 because the last guy was a prot warr. Dude just wouldn't die >.>
OP 74 blood
My gear isnt even good yet cause i just got this toon to 70 3 days ago, but i one shot all clothies and rogues with shield slam as long as they dont have a priest bubble on them.. Highest Crits ive seen was 27k and 31k in a heroic.. and i hit a rogue for 22k yesterday(poorguy)
warrior sounds like skill?

inb4 everyone fotms warr, when they get nerf they say its unplayable XDxddxd
warrior sounds like skill?

inb4 everyone fotms warr, when they get nerf they say its unplayable XDxddxd

I'm unsure about this...
But are they making changes to arms spec? or even fury for that matter? If they're fucking around with protection "Which I do personally think is needed" Will they be altering any other specs such as the ones I just mentioned? I don't know, it would be nice to play something other than protection..It does get boring :(

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