Whats the best spec for Warlock now?

I believe destruction is the preferred spec if you want to go for burst damage. The downside, however, is that you lose a lot of mobility, and rely heavily on having a team backing you up. If you want to negate these downsides, at the cost of some of the burst damage, you can try demonology, which offers some interesting abilities and improves your mobility a lot. I've seen demonology warlocks fare well against melee teams, and even as flag cappers. Some unique jumps that are otherwise inaccessible also open up.
For pugs i'd go Demonology- just because you have more mobility, and with that mobility it can be easier for you to land a fear and get a kill because of it.
For Arenas/10v10s i think Destro is the way, because of burst.
Afflic is nice with unstable affliction silencing enemies on dispell, plus it does a little extra damage. You can pretty much guarantee dots not getting dispelled much by enemy healers / casters, or that enemy healers / casters won't last long dispelling dots. Destro is definitely the go-to single target big burst spec for warlock, compared to something like a feral it's still not much but as good as it gets for lock.
Lock isn't in the best spot atm... But destro has some pretty good damage but it has some serious mobility issues. Demo has the best mobility and very skill based damage.
Aff has mobility issues as well and can do huge damage in a group fight.
Demo and destro for "best right now"
Demo has a high skill ceiling tho
It is all going to depend on how you intend to play.
I get silenced and feared quite often when dispelling if I am not careful and there is not another healer that cares enough to dispel the fear off of me. Many of the players at this level f play do not bother dispelling though. Especially in the 20-29 bracket.
If the me spec does not work out, it is not as if you can't change it.
Have a wonderful day.
Destruction Warlock is the 'best', if you want most killing blows (conflagrate criticals cause around 700 damage for a pure f2p warlock), and chaos bolt gives you a 'burst' (though may be nothing compared to some op classes)

Demo would be another choice if you wish for more mobility, that jump saved me many times

If you wish to be different, then go for affliction. I've tried affliction several times, its not so bad since warlock is not the 'strongest' class overall. the best thing about affliction is the instant summon pet.

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