My new personal high is thanks to Sporex. Got bit for 3954 last night. In the gear I was wearing at the time, that's enough for 1 shot at max health. Kinda nasty... but also kinda cool.
6.3k in eots
Damn, thats pretty nuts. You have an armory link? I'd like to peep what your wearing.
u wat m8Resilience will fix it.
dis guy crit me 4.3k..... in 19u wat m8
dis guy crit me 4.3k..... in 19
Thanks, all. Looks like I'm gonna have to run with a lil more health than 3.9 k.
He hit me 4.7k on his roģuedis guy crit me 4.3k..... in 19
Crit a 6.5k with landslide so i deleted my feral, ggs
TruthNah Shred hirs q.5k+ crits so you will de anyway.
Scaling is so broken on like every dps ability right now it feels likeHe hit me 4.7k on his roģue