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Hey guys! How's it going?! I'm checking in to see how the health of the bracket is. How does the game feel balance wise? Are ilvl 49 weps still around? If so is it that big of a jump with melee and or casters? I see that socketed green ilvl 28s are pretty sought after. If there's somewhere else I can look please educate me, I took a break since the end of pre patch and I'm seeing how you guys feel about the bracket and any pros and cons you can give me.

Thanks my dudes!
twink v twink feels... pretty good? like, I dont have a *whole* lot of twink fights under my belt but it seems like damage/health ratio is pretty solid and the classes seem pretty good re: everyone having available counter play. Melee is in a tight spot, given engage potential vs disengage potential (I feel like mages have 7 different types of blinks) but thats kinda how its always been.

Things are good, Im pretty hopeful about the bracket. But its also really young, so... who knows.
twink v twink feels... pretty good? like, I dont have a *whole* lot of twink fights under my belt but it seems like damage/health ratio is pretty solid and the classes seem pretty good re: everyone having available counter play. Melee is in a tight spot, given engage potential vs disengage potential (I feel like mages have 7 different types of blinks) but thats kinda how its always been.

Things are good, Im pretty hopeful about the bracket. But its also really young, so... who knows.

Dope, thanks Chops. I had recent just got into vet pvp I believe it was March 2019 or so. The abilities and everything we have now is definitely dope! I was curious about if the grandfathered gear is a huge advantage or not really noticeable. I know its definitely a nice hit for melee classes, but I'm getting burnt out at 60 already and just trying to have some good clean fun with my fellow vets/f2p.

Appreciate the response man!
The thing about the 20s bracket is you gotta pick a position according to your role. What i mean is you gotta decide if you want to be in the front with tanky gear and try to push in and create opportunities for your team or you can go with a more glasscannon build while hanging a bit back but punishing the opps for over extending. I always scratch my head when people talk about bis gear and stuff... its all about the situation. Also because of the lack of certain abilities you have to play with other to be successful. You CAN go lurking around solo but then youre on your own
The thing about the 20s bracket is you gotta pick a position according to your role. What i mean is you gotta decide if you want to be in the front with tanky gear and try to push in and create opportunities for your team or you can go with a more glasscannon build while hanging a bit back but punishing the opps for over extending. I always scratch my head when people talk about bis gear and stuff... its all about the situation. Also because of the lack of certain abilities you have to play with other to be successful. You CAN go lurking around solo but then youre on your own
Right, that's wow in general, just now we have a ton of more options.
49s are still around and definitely make a different for melee classes. No idea for casters though.

and you asked, ques are hyper fast. almost annoyingly so. I like to farm between ques and its actually kinda hard to do that.
Yeah for casters you lose some stam and int and secondaries. Melee you lose a nice chunk of damage =/ maybe ill mess with some casters

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