What would it take for you to like a player that plays a Hunter?

This is a totally serious and legitamate question that I was just pondering. I have not played a Hunter twink and I was just curious what you all thought about the subject. This is directed mainly to the lower leveled brackets.
Hunter strength is a shame, since a good hunter can make a tremendous difference to a team via CC's, interrupts, and focus fire from a distance. Seeing a versatile hunter in action is a real treat, and a major nerf to their damage would give the good hunters a chance to show what the class is really about.
I don't care if people play hunters, if they have a good attitude and are friendly then I like them.
1. Being a cool person

2. Not thinking their talented provided they aren't

Both are necessary. It also helps if they have an alt who's like.. a druid or rogue or priest or something other than pally and hunter.
1. They were 100% geared.

2. They had other well geared twinks that they play just as long as their other twinks.

3. They can't be a human hunter.
Sportsmanship... Such a thing is very rare to see in any community, including end-game.
play a hunter twink above level 60
i have a level 20 hunter (not following F2p rules though) i log on time to time i just focus fire healers and any other hunter who thinks they are good Ya you think you can do good no, watch me show you a real rotation i show them... they die. And if i speak of the rotation i use then i will find more hunters using it being able to output more damage.

(speaking of hunters below 24)

on topic: If the hunter can actually kill some one w/o the use of disengage concussive shot or Scatter or any CD what-so-ever (be it that the person is of equal or greater gear and better skilled or same skill). Then I can respect them if they need to use any of those i listed then they really do not know how to play the game or the easiest class in the game. Hell i played Hunter first person and w/o a UI in the f2p bracket it is that much of a joke.
If he/her is a universal players that helps the team and doesn't think he is good because of the amount of KB he can accumulate.
my original main was a hunter and so was my original 39, back then people wanted hunters for the ms effect in that bracket so i was liked for the most part. ill play with anyone as long as they arent an elitist ******* while mashing the s key.
Ones that play objectives. Tell me when you find one!

nah, there are some cool hunters. mostly just a person that never talks about the charts, I mean srsly. You are a hunter, you can pretty easily get 100 hks/game.

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