What will you spec in cataclysm?

well nothing is final or even close really, but k. wait till open beta or closer to launch and we'll know what to really spec
Assuming the Immolation Trap glyph remains the same, I'll try this spec out as an FC guard.


Really gambling with the L&L though. The hope is to apply Serpent Sting, set up a Frost and Immo trap strategically, apply Explosive Trap and if LnL procced put an Arcane Shot and additional Explosive Shot into the target for alot of unmitigated damage in a 4 second time span that doesn't necessarily require I be standing still.

A more conservative build would be:

conrose you can't get that spec as of right now :/. would mean you were level 32
I've been playing around with Beastmastery for my Hunter. I think this build could provide some really nice burst (Maybe together with a prowling cat pet + Intimidation) aswell as control now that Scatter shot seems to be trainable:


MM spec will probably be really strong, though. Silencing shot and Aimed shot provide both control and damage.

Here is one build that revolves around the Aimed shot criticals and pet synergy to get some inital burst: http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?hunter#qWME,,12479

For stable damage (hiding behind somebody) I'd probably go with this:



@Conrose: I don't think hunters will have Frost trap anymore at 29 (MMO-Champion says lvl 46), which sadly makes Entrapment obsolete for this bracket.
well. ass a warrior i will spec in protection because of the conclusion blow :p

i wana hunt the huntah!
I really like the changes to Druids.

Balance could look like this now: Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

Now there is an option to pick Typhoon instead of Moonkin. I guess that could be a cool attack from prowl :)

The Feral tree looks promising aswell, I really like that they let you pick good stuff right away.
glancealot said:
guys stop using mmo-champion, wowhead is better

my priest build

According to MMO-Champion, mana burn is now lvl 58 spell, so you will want to shuffle those talents a bit.

This would be my talent build of choice atm : Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft. We have yet to see if Evangelism + Archangel combo will be worth having.

The question here, is does this spell, Archangel, restore 15% mana and provide +15% healing with 5 stacks consumed, or does it only restore 3% mana while still providing +15% healing with 5 stacks.


Quote from Wowhead.

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