What the eff....

Mkay so...

Huntard lvl 15 talents as of now are...

Posthaste - You movement speed is increased by 60% for 4seconds after you disengage.

Evasiveness(lol) - increases your chance to dodge attacks and resist spells by 100% for 3 seconds after you disengage.

Exhilaration - when you disengage your healed for 15% of your total health.

oh btw, arcane mages got a kewl new charge system, i would suggest checking it out at:
Talent Calculator - Game Guide - World of Warcraft!

forgot to add, druids also got a significant change, bears get charge, 400% increased mana pool for boomkins..etc :)
moar hunters.

edit:if 400% mana pool increase stays as is and not base mana you guys are fucked.
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The paladin spec bonuses seemed wrong anyway, prot got a damage increase, ret healed and holy took less damage. That said, everything here is subject to change and not really worth worrying about just yet. I'm guessing pursuit of justice will be the way to go. Holy spamming self heals and keeping up holy power will be a pretty hard to beat FC.
I'm liking what I see for Warlocks.

Harvest Life at 15.
New spell, Malady.
Soulfire ALWAYS critically strikes, and crit chance increases damage. (crit sets anyone?)
Auto Wand for Destro?? What is this madness!?
The calculator just got updated today, so the skills/talents are "reliable" up to this point.

Yes, but they've changed several times already and we are a long way from what will go live. I think it's premature to concern ourselves with something that is so far off and will probably change before, and then after release.
I'm liking what I see for Warlocks.

Harvest Life at 15.
New spell, Malady.
Soulfire ALWAYS critically strikes, and crit chance increases damage. (crit sets anyone?)
Auto Wand for Destro?? What is this madness!?

I lol'd when I saw Auto Wand. Isn't that just a /shoot macro? Blizzard really innovating in MoP I see...... :D
edit: restos also get 400% mana pool? that has to be base mana. there's no way that someone decked out at 20 with 1700 mana is getting up to 8k.

From what I understand intellect on gear will no longer increase the mana pool in MoP, so any addition would be to the base since base mana is all you get. I could be wrong, I just seem to remember hearing that somewhere.
From what I understand intellect on gear will no longer increase the mana pool in MoP, so any addition would be to the base since base mana is all you get. I could be wrong, I just seem to remember hearing that somewhere.

This is true. The new mana pools will be about 1600 for all casters.
for druids...really sucks that Nourish AND Regrowth are now Resto only...that gives us only one off-spec heal and its a very crappy HoT. really crappy change...hopefully it changes again.

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