What started you in twinks/tinks.

Before XP Off/On was introduced i never really got into BG's that much, i never saw the point in farming GY's/levelers and would get bored very quikly. My bro and friends considered me a architect (lol) of twinks, that was my fun, the challenge of making a twink, now its SOOOOO easy to make a twink, before XP lock came in i had what i considered to be 2 BIS twinks, rest where like 80% done. I have 3 accounts and now ive got BIS twinks im delleting to make room for new toons (never thought i would do that) ive had people PM me to make F2P accounts, 5 horde and 5 alliance accounts XP locked at lvl 10 so people can farm chessments in WSG. done that for em ( another thing i didnt think i would do) im getting really boared with low lvl twinks, ive never twinked higher than 60 before, so i steped it up to the 70 bracket see how it goes. I guess what im trying to say is if there any twinks that want to push the boundaries of this game PM me cause im getting really bored with wat Blizz have left us with.
85 twinks, they are the best.
What started me? Lol its really wierd. About 2 weeks of me starting WoW. I was about lvl 38 on my first toon and my freind who got me playing started this twink. Rogue named Mongooseboy. I said hey i can do that. so i made Crusadórman. He was my first and now my 4th twink. Since then i have been twinking in BC, WotLK, and Cata. And damn has it changed. First rogue Crusadórman to match my freinds. he was a 19 Twink rogue that i got lucky enough to get a shadowfang drop from running a guildie. he didnt have no use for it (He was Druid) And gave it to me for free. Then the twinking for me began.....
When i was 8-10 i dont remember i had a babysitter named Billy. He played a 19 twink gnome rogue during vanilla no clue on the name. I used to watch him everytime he played . Since my dad played in vanilla billy just played on his comp everytime he was at my house. Thus the legend of Curley begins.
I'm interested to know what u mean by "push the boundaries"?

i would love to get a Rated BG title on my 70, that's not really faking or pushing bondaries, but still would be cool to get. idk really, i just need something new from this game, when ever i log on i find myself just sitting in SW/Org talking to friends waiting on the next TB. where i live there are not many other things to do too, its very boring on kangaroo island. i have some other idea's but there for a PM i think.
I started out back in vanilla. I hated leveling, and decided to take a break to do some pvp with my first character that hit 29. Logically I started to gather gear for it, and the twink was not even close to BiS, heck, dont know if people even knew if twinking existed back then. After that I played on my druid, and got stone guard from it from just twinking pvp. It was a more 'serious' twink, but still not a bis gear hunter by no means. It was 19, 29, 39 and 49 twink during vanilla. All my gold went to twinking, so it ended up with me running with travel form from level 54-70 ^^ Under vanilla I played on my lock who were a 19 twink, promised to give away that to a good hunter friend when I quit but I forgot his name. Anyhow, it was a 19 twink i cared to gear up properly and enchant, and has some of my most fond memories in twinking, but not until it hit 29. Then I remember when i 1v4'd some randoms in a bg, might even been 5. Most heroic pvp situation ever for me :D seduce fear ^^ Then it hit 39, semi 49 twinking and a LONG period of 60 twinking, had the lightning generator thingy and 10k+ hp, travelers and all that. Leveled up from falling through dalaran abit before xpblock patch came out.

I had also managed to twink another shaman, paladin and yet another druid, which I was so stupid to level up to 40, and right now its just sitting there. And now finally after a long break, im naked. *Hint hint*

But looking at it from expansion to expansion I think twinking in my experience is best atm, with twinks vs twinks as I prefere it. Never been a 19 guy until now *Hint hint*, but im enjoying it alot.

Now its time to build up my legacy!
I am brand new to twinking. Been playing WoW for only 5-6 months now, my highest level character is my 70 rogue.

I did my first BG at level 15 and honestly, I hated it. I've played many MMO pvp oriented games, and was always hardcore when it came to low level pvp. After facing people in BOA gear, I decided to simply quest and level, rather than get my arse handed to me every match.

At 55 I decided to give pvp another shot. I was rocking some good blues and actually began to have fun. I loved Arathi basin, EotS and even AV. I enjoyed objective other than cap the flag, and I kept pushing myself to go after the harder to beat classes. (Frost mages, Pallys etc).

From 55-70 I did nothing but bg's, collecting the epic honor gear and pushing myself to learn. At 70, I didn't kno what I wanted to do, so I locked my exp soley for doing old quests, dungeons for gear, and grinding out gold. I didn't realize 70's bracket was a popular twink bracket, so out of boredom I decided to queue for a rangom BG.

HOLY CRAP. my queue popped in like one minute (tried other brackets and never got a pop) and as soon as I was in, I was ecstatic! I can finally grind honor without levelling up! However, my first twink bg, I was devastated badly. Normally D\I'm all for objectives, but I do love honor kills as well. In normal matches I could get 8-12 kills and die only once or twice on a good day. However, in the 70's bracket I was slaughtered. :(

This inspired me to learn about gemming and enchanting my gear... I blew every little amount of gold I had on y account to gear up. (Sadly, it's not all the best gear either..) With over 4K spent on all my gems/enchants/armor enhancements, I gave BG's another shot.

First match: Pure pwnage! I was back to slaying allies fast and keeping myself alive. I never had so much fun in a bg in my entire time playing WoW. This finally put me into the idea of twinking and sticking it out for a while. I already have a second twink getting ready for the 19 bracket.

Low lvl PvP ftw!
I had been playing about six months when I just happened to notice twinks in Orgimmar. I made another warrior (my main was a warrior) who is:

Ironnmann @ Agamaggan - Game - World of Warcraft

Most would consider him an old school twink here 3 years later. But there was this 1 ally 19 hunter that motivated me to get BiS and create a hunter. "Fearlizz" was a total ass of a player. Would just constantly hunt melee only and kite continuously and /spit.

In response, I got Enti's Quenched Sword. It was a glorious time when warriors could finally compete with hunters and rogues. If I got ahold of either, they most likely were toast. Of course Blizzard will never let warriors succeed at any damn thing and patch 3.1did away with everything. I created a hunter then:

Bonediddy @ Agamaggan - Game - World of Warcraft

which I rarely play nowadays and a DK which I pretty much can't:

Aggamaggot @ Agamaggan - Game - World of Warcraft

The DK was the great hunter and pally killer in AV games. He was/is fun, but very OP. Oh crap. I just realized no one is going to give a damn about any of this. Ha!

If only I had Enti's sword now. :'(
started twinking cuz i hated levling and only had a few hours to play. twinks on hyjal had the respect of the 60s back than. it was an old server and very cool.
I started twinking because I saw Trustmee and Pizza in the BG's.

I was inspired by my cousin's friend's rogue named shankedurmom. I created an atrocious orc rogue twink with shadow goggles and 1 fiery cruel barb. About a year later, fatality (orc warrior) was born. Years went by and cataclysm arrived. I went on a seven month hiatus and just returned to twinking with my garbage (pun intended) twinks that you see in my sig.
leveling my 2nd toon i decided to que some battlegrounds, i had decent gear from running instances and crafting, i was lvl 37 so i figured i wouldnt do to bad, even as a prot warrior i got killed alot but had a blast and learned what twinks were, so i rolled a 2nd hunter(hunter was my main) and twinked at 39

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