Soccer Dad
Its not that Rogan gets old, its that he's a human Dunning-Kruger chart. He's every overconfident sophomore philosophy major who thinks a couple seminar classes on ancient rome makes him a historian. And he's mastered the art of turning his completely uncritical acceptance of any thought or concept presented to him at that exact moment into "being open minded". Which is, I gather, why people like him. But he presents himself as an expert by proxy. "I have talked to experts and therefore I am".this made me sad
srsly tho
i do agree wit u guys that jre gets old
but its a pretty good gateway to other 1s
It's annoying. In no small part because it reminds me of 25 year old Chops. Its just that Rogan is like 55 and should know better by now.
But he does nab some incredible guests and I'll tune in if he snags someone Im interested in hearing from, like his recent interview with Zach Bitter.