What movie should I watch tonight?

The Prestige, Fight Club are one of my personal favorites for sure. Also, Shutter Island, Inception, Catch me if you can etc. are great movies. Also, a movie that has some depth to it, and a lot of action is Oblivion with Tom Cruise. Like the movie isn't as great as the others that are mentioned, but it's an alright movie. Also, it's fkn hilarious in the start. Watch the movie, and you'll know what I'm talking about. I legit laughed so hard (even though it's not a comedy).

Edit: Not Oblivion, but Edge of Tomorrow. Derped on that one.
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Forget movies and watch Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. First season is stale but afterwards it's pretty good.
Beasts of No Nation is phenomenal if you can stomach the sadness and dramatic atmosphere.
David Lynch:
Blue Velvet

Coen Brothers:
Big Lebowski
Barton Fink

Wes Anderson:
The Royal Tenenbaums
Bottle Rocket

Stanley Kubrick:
Full Metal Jacket
The Shining
A Clockwork Orange

Oliver Stone:
Natural Born Killers

...to name a few.
Kill Bill
Any of the "Riddick" movies
American Sniper
Kill Bill is great but i'm not really one for american propaganda (contrary to the profile pictures =P), that sniper guy was nothing more than a delusion serial killer in my eyes. I'll check out those other ones tho.
Forget movies and watch Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. First season is stale but afterwards it's pretty good.
Beasts of No Nation is phenomenal if you can stomach the sadness and dramatic atmosphere.

I recently watched every episode of Agents of shield, also i heard beasts of no nation was really good, definitely gonna check that out.
Surprised The Departed wasn't listed.

Ye it's great.
Kill Bill is great but i'm not really one for american propaganda (contrary to the profile pictures =P), that sniper guy was nothing more than a delusion serial killer in my eyes. I'll check out those other ones tho.

I recently watched every episode of Agents of shield, also i heard beasts of no nation was really good, definitely gonna check that out.

Unbroken and the riddick movies aren't very good.

Check out Telle's list though.
Red Vs. Blue.

If you've already seen it, well, watch it again.
Barney and Friends.

Massive gore infested movie with gruesome and heinous acts of terror. Tons of blood shedding and unimaginable torture. DO NOT WATCH IF U GOT A WEAK HEART. theres a scene in which the killer murders a whole community and takes the eyeballs of the victims, puts it in a lemon squeezer and makes himself a glass of eyeball juice.

1 scene was how a fat fly tortured a man by buzzing near his head, the fly in the end pulled out a gun and shot him 8 times in the temple.
David Lynch:
Blue Velvet

Coen Brothers:
Big Lebowski
Barton Fink

Wes Anderson:
The Royal Tenenbaums
Bottle Rocket

Stanley Kubrick:
Full Metal Jacket
The Shining
A Clockwork Orange

Oliver Stone:
Natural Born Killers

...to name a few.

Aka the 'if you have functioning eyes and ears you should have seen all of these multiple times by now' list haha <3

I'd recommend some of my favorites which may or may not have been included in this thread, and are always great things to watch:

Man on Fire
John Wick
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Straight Outta Compton
Gangs of New York
I've been loving TV shows recently a few of my favs are Game of Thrones, Vikings, The Last Kingdom (obviously don't have a medieval fetish), House of Cards, Sherlock and Suits.

Movie recommendations that I've seen recently are Interstellar (you're into this type of shit), The Godfather series, The Departed, Fury, The Martian and Frozen(best movie of all time haa). Agree with Apnea on Man on Fire and Snatch, great movies.
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TV shows too? Okey heres a few.

Silicon Valley
30 Rock

Person of intrest
Heroes (season 1)
House of cards

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