What Mods are you using Drayner?

Actually, I’m curious as to what mods everyone is using too! I ran by the screenshot section, and saw Drayner’s crazy jet-fighter looking layout (coming from a “clickerâ€￾ that still uses the original WoW interface- I know- “NOOB!â€￾) and I’m just plain itching to know what it is!
Rayekk said:
Actually, I’m curious as to what mods everyone is using too! I ran by the screenshot section, and saw Drayner’s crazy jet-fighter looking layout (coming from a “clickerâ€￾ that still uses the original WoW interface- I know- “NOOB!â€￾) and I’m just plain itching to know what it is!

point me to a url of the layout in question. I have used several lately.
Here's a screen shot of what I'm basically using now. I had just put this together so you'll have to excuse the mess. I'm still trying to get it all laid out the way I want it.

I'm fairly a returning player that is having to re-learn a lot of stuff and thus... most of these addons are completely new to me as well. If you know of better addons, please share as I would love to check them out.


Things I'm using:

FuBar (AtlasFu, BagFu, AmmoFu, etc)

Pitbull - Unit Frames ; still on the fence between this and X-Perl

kgPanels - for panels on bottom

Domino - action bar mod

Carbonite - minimap on bottom, and other nifty things

Recount - dmg stats

Rogue Power Bars - show up above my bags

UIM:ComboPoints - large moveable combo point graphics

Dead Boss Mobs - Its installed, but don't think its actually used for Khalidar

MikScrollingBattleText - has some nice features that I like

I've setup macros for almost all of my abilities now, and they are all bound to keys now as well. I just have to train myself to use the keys rather than clicking on them. Another thing I'm trying to do is get away from using keybinds past the (6,y,h,n) keys that I need in combat. I play mouse+wsad for movement so I want to keep my primary binds near by.

I'd love to get rid of the default minimap and all of the buffs that show up next to it.
Khalidar said:
Carbonite - minimap on bottom, and other nifty things

This looks like a really neat addon. I see that it can do a lot of stuff, especially with questing. What all does it do in WSG, and are the WSG features available in the free version of the addon?
I had heard that someone was working on restoring MazzleUI so that it works with WOTLK. Not sure how far they have come but I would like to see it.

I searched around for the "perfect" UI and realized I'd never find it. So I just decided to configure my own based on the mods that I needed/wanted.

With tournaments starting back up... I think I might go back to the default UI for awhile. I've never played in a WOW tournament before but if its anything like other games... I would assume they make you use the default UI without any addons... Do they allow macros?

Ofrick said:
This looks like a really neat addon. I see that it can do a lot of stuff, especially with questing. What all does it do in WSG, and are the WSG features available in the free version of the addon?

WSG gives the name of the flag carriers and you can click the name to target that person. Sometimes this doesn't work. I figure there must be a range on it but I don't know what it is.

In Arathi the nodes have color coded timers on them so you know when you're about to take ownership of a node. It also gives you an ETA on how long it will take for the leading side to win the game based on their current resources.

Both give put dots of your group/raid members on the map so that you can figure out where people are. I haven't figured out how to scale those dots down though.

I'm sure there is a bunch more that it can do but I haven't spent too much time with it. I will say that it appears to be one of the better assembled addons that I have ever used. I've considered buying the full version simply because it is so well done.
That is what I gathered from the main wow website. I'll probably be uberSuck, but it will be fun none the less.

WorldofWarcraft.com said:
We're pleased to announce that the 2009 World of Warcraft Arena Tournament is nearly here. Starting next week (February 17, 2009), players will be able to sign up to compete in this year’s exciting competition. The tournament will feature an online qualifier played on our special tournament realms. Top teams will proceed to their respective regional finals and compete for a chance to reach the global world championship – with cash prizes totaling over $200,000.

These realms have been outfitted with level 80 character templates and the latest epic gear from Wrath of the Lich King. As an added bonus, we have included exclusive rewards that players can earn by participating in the tournament, including an Armored Murloc in-game pet. Top teams will also contend for a chance to achieve the "Vanquisher" title for their live characters.

If you would like to demonstrate your arena prowess, or simply want a chance to earn the exclusive loot, please check back next week for more details and register!
AbraxhasUI <------ MazzleUI replacement, and its up to date with WOTLK

the author had to replace a few things here and there but the core of what Muzzle was all about is still out there ! seems like a cool addon to me, i'm trying it out now !
i tried to download the AbraxhasUI, but when i download it it saves as a word-document :S can anyone help me out?
I was able to get it down off the site, but it's very compicated to install (or I'm a moron- or both ;P)

I'll try later in the week.

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