What is wrong with you people ?

hi, i know that the title might seem harsh and all, but i wanted to know what was wrong with all this bullshit about twinks being killed by blizzard when its clearly not the case.

heres what i think... when wotlk came out and people were thinking oh this and and that is gonna change, that means the end of twinking as we know it. but it didn't happen. came 3.08, same thing people were all its the end of twinking, again didn't happen. came 3.1, the fabled death to twink update, yet we're still up and running. now comes 3.2, death to twink again and again everywhere. can i at least ask a question about all this bullshit ? is this even possible to have a single update without having to go thru the whole DEATH OF TWINK bullshit coming up ?

i've been looking at those BOA as you all say it is, and seriously i'm not impressed. i see no chest being able to be used that would actually be better then the defias chest right there. the only thing those BOA chest enable are casters and mail wearers a better choice. are you people even knowing what the word "RARITY" means in MMORPGs ? are you even knowing that this game is based off gears and their RARITY to begin with ?

seriously, go ahead tell all you want about the death of twinks, but we all know it won't happen. i'm just having enough of seeing all this non-sens. if you are so sure that twinks are dead and have been for a while, then tell me what you are still doing around here ?

i'll even give you a scoop on the next thing... there is no other expension coming up, WORLD OF WARCRAFT is dieing. just like all games after 6 years. their going for WARCRAFT IV. if i could find you the blue post that talked about the lich king raid coming up for 3.3 i would. seriously if you knew the story behind the whole warcraft universe you'd know that we are at the end of it. the only thing left for them to show us would be the raid against the lich king.

that's what you wanted though, am i right, the end of this game... then here it is... after 6 years of activity, blizzard are finally letting it rest in peace. no more expansion, no more updates, no more games for you either. that's what you want so desperately ?

the better solution for you would be to just stop paying, sell your game and account and just forget about this whole mess... only insane people plays games they don't want to !

serisouly, i see twinking getting a lot more powerfull in its days, for now all classes will have equal chances on the battlefield. but oh wait, you don't want your shaman, druid or hunter getting pummelled, for twinking is all about destroying your opponent easily right !

then i wish you happy twinking, noobs !

to the rest, how about we start talking constructively about the new gears coming up !

to the others who aren't concerned by this post... i wish you all good day/night !
it's great if you can adapt, but it isn't fun to cap once then mass a turtle for 15 minutes

it's not about adapting, it's about is the game fun, in the end.

i'm not sure if the 20 minute wsg timer will be fun...we'll see how things shape out.
ArthurianKnight said:
What was wrong with all this bullshit about twinks being killed by Blizzard when its clearly not the case.

Link where this has been said? I've only read positive comments about 3.2

ArthurianKnight said:
I see no chest being able to be used that would actually be better then the defias chest right there.

Okay, your mis-informed perhaps?

Lets take a look at the stats for both chest pieces.

Stained Shadowcraft Tunic

+10 Stamina

+13 Attack Power

+6 Hit Rating


Blackened Defias Armour

+11 Stamina

+3 Agility

+4 Strength

So if you choose the Shadowcraft, you lose -1 Stamina, gain +6ap & +6hit.

Hit on this chest along with shoulders & deviate belt puts you near, if not above the hit cap. By far better than Defias. Please explain how your not impressed by this? :S

ArthurianKnight said:
For twinking is all about destroying your opponent easily right !

Maybe for you, afterall, you seem to have a Hunter as your twink; according to the link on the left. Enough said really.
Calm down.

Druiddroid put it nicely. I don't care about the XP changes or the BoA changes much at all. This is normal and to be expected in major content patches. Twinks have always slightly changed with every patch; the brackets have never been stagnant for long.

The ultimate deciding factor in whether or not I will play a game is if it remains fun. I see the 20 minute timer as seriously taking away what fun I still had with twinking. I know I'm not the only one either. That is the basis for many being disapointed with this patch.
I think a 19 hunter killed him.


I agree, I nearly wet myself over 3.1, but I learned to adapt and make a 19 twink over a level 1. It will probaly always be like this, kind of like in real-life. You here about lay-offs and you nearly shit yourself even though your the CEO. I hope blizzard doesn't fail like Jagex (creaters of Runescape) and pro-long a game long after it should have been done with. Wtb Diablo 3, wts satellite internet.
seems like some didn't understand the point of my thread to begin with...

i was ranting about all this bullshit running around saying twinks are dead with this patch. and NOO, open your eyes, read some thread, see how much of it actually appeared, including drayner on the main page !

how many time will we see this poll about leaving the game each god damn patch !

for my part i welcome 3.2 with ease, its the typoe of patch i was waiting for, just like i said in the start of this thread.

the defias chest offers 1 more stam, it offers also strenght and agility which are both giving away attack power on the rogue and hunter. the only thing you are basing yourself to take the BOA is the actual 6 hit rating. which i'm not considering i have none on my hunter and have rarely ever missed a target before. by rarely i mean that little 1 out of 100 shots.

by the way, i have a hunter yes... does that mean i like to kill only ? nope, i'm always going for the flag and my job as a hunter would be to DPS the shit out of those trying to kill our FC. after all that's how the game works no ?

before trying to judge on someone, please try and know the person better.

i play a hunter, because i like hunters, just like i love priest and DK. i dont play to own because the word owning is just overly abused in ways that do not even start to describe the word. like every people who just say OWNED when they just barely killed someone while having less then a life too.

now back onto the topic at hand...

why is it always the same every god damn patch ?

i mean its all the same, people brag about how this patch breaks the game.

how blizzard likes to kill their own games.

how twinks should be never touched since day one.

i do agree on the others on this point, if you play just because you dont want to touch anything except kill people around.... you shouldn'T even be here looking at this !
fuzzles said:
arthurianknight = RC-ST?

I doubt it, they both have been members here since I've been here, usually you wouldn't make a new account until after you were banned. However, maybe RC-ST is just THAT good of a troll, who knows?

But I think they are just 2 people that suffer from a "language barrier".
I still can't decide if he was a troll or not. I think my brain might soon explode like that time Peter ate a whole fudgesicle in one bite.
2.0 Patch Notes said:
The expansion also allows previously faction-exclusive classes to be played on the opposing faction, with the inclusion of Horde blood elf paladins and Alliance draenei shaman.[1]

OH EM GEE!1 tHisis gona riun wOw fo' eva!111 Thiss is tHe en dof Wow Aswe no it!11!0

But enough of that for now ... People have had 'Nerd Rage' over other things that still are in the game and as you can see, WoW is still here.

And yes, I still hate the Alliance for taking away MY class. I beat up a kid in my school once because he said Drainos were better Shamans then Horde. I am normally a laid back kid, but two things get me mad: Talking about Alliance having Shamans now and taking away my precious NesTea

*mumbles to self* My precious ... *grin*

fuzzles said:
I still can't decide if he was a troll or not. I think my brain might soon explode like that time Peter ate a whole fudgesicle in one bite.

Troll or not RC was ma fwiend. I miss him. His threads always brightened my day. Not to mention that in one of them he actually made a really good point. But only once, only once. RIP RC-ST.
Zuty said:
OH EM GEE!1 tHisis gona riun wOw fo' eva!111 Thiss is tHe en dof Wow Aswe no it!11!0

But enough of that for now ... People have had 'Nerd Rage' over other things that still are in the game and as you can see, WoW is still here.

And yes, I still hate the Alliance for taking away MY class. I beat up a kid in my school once because he said Drainos were better Shamans then Horde. I am normally a laid back kid, but two things get me mad: Talking about Alliance having Shamans now and taking away my precious NesTea

*mumbles to self* My precious ... *grin*


I would give anything in the world, fucking anything to give horde back their shite shamans just so I don't have to see servers/bgs/everything flooded with metro fag elf paladins. Anything... I would probably even give my left testicle that is how much I hate it, not the right though, I've grown more attached to that so to speak... They say it isn't cancer, but it's scary nonetheless. Seriously though, fucking hate BE pallies, you can have shamans back.
are you kidding? dranei are way worse than Bloodelves. i'm just glad alli got the raw end of the deal with their blue spacegoats.
At least they sound semi-masculine and don't jump around in circles like a bunch of gender confused long-eared cross dressers. Also, Draenei don't have DSL... that is all.
I like BE's, but I would give up Hordes access to Pallies if the Drainos just got back on their space ship and leave.

Drainos- May you bounce in peace.

Zuty- Get the hell off my planet.

Noo said:
Link where this has been said? I've only read positive comments about 3.2

ArthurianKnight said:
i was ranting about all this bullshit running around saying twinks are dead with this patch. and NOO, open your eyes, read some thread, see how much of it actually appeared, including drayner on the main page !

Like I've said, I've not seen any thread about this. Hense why I asked for a link. I don't check the front pages, I just go straight to the forums. So for me to open my eyes is an understatement, you don't even understand what I wrote.

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