hi, i know that the title might seem harsh and all, but i wanted to know what was wrong with all this bullshit about twinks being killed by blizzard when its clearly not the case.
heres what i think... when wotlk came out and people were thinking oh this and and that is gonna change, that means the end of twinking as we know it. but it didn't happen. came 3.08, same thing people were all its the end of twinking, again didn't happen. came 3.1, the fabled death to twink update, yet we're still up and running. now comes 3.2, death to twink again and again everywhere. can i at least ask a question about all this bullshit ? is this even possible to have a single update without having to go thru the whole DEATH OF TWINK bullshit coming up ?
i've been looking at those BOA as you all say it is, and seriously i'm not impressed. i see no chest being able to be used that would actually be better then the defias chest right there. the only thing those BOA chest enable are casters and mail wearers a better choice. are you people even knowing what the word "RARITY" means in MMORPGs ? are you even knowing that this game is based off gears and their RARITY to begin with ?
seriously, go ahead tell all you want about the death of twinks, but we all know it won't happen. i'm just having enough of seeing all this non-sens. if you are so sure that twinks are dead and have been for a while, then tell me what you are still doing around here ?
i'll even give you a scoop on the next thing... there is no other expension coming up, WORLD OF WARCRAFT is dieing. just like all games after 6 years. their going for WARCRAFT IV. if i could find you the blue post that talked about the lich king raid coming up for 3.3 i would. seriously if you knew the story behind the whole warcraft universe you'd know that we are at the end of it. the only thing left for them to show us would be the raid against the lich king.
that's what you wanted though, am i right, the end of this game... then here it is... after 6 years of activity, blizzard are finally letting it rest in peace. no more expansion, no more updates, no more games for you either. that's what you want so desperately ?
the better solution for you would be to just stop paying, sell your game and account and just forget about this whole mess... only insane people plays games they don't want to !
serisouly, i see twinking getting a lot more powerfull in its days, for now all classes will have equal chances on the battlefield. but oh wait, you don't want your shaman, druid or hunter getting pummelled, for twinking is all about destroying your opponent easily right !
then i wish you happy twinking, noobs !
to the rest, how about we start talking constructively about the new gears coming up !
to the others who aren't concerned by this post... i wish you all good day/night !
heres what i think... when wotlk came out and people were thinking oh this and and that is gonna change, that means the end of twinking as we know it. but it didn't happen. came 3.08, same thing people were all its the end of twinking, again didn't happen. came 3.1, the fabled death to twink update, yet we're still up and running. now comes 3.2, death to twink again and again everywhere. can i at least ask a question about all this bullshit ? is this even possible to have a single update without having to go thru the whole DEATH OF TWINK bullshit coming up ?
i've been looking at those BOA as you all say it is, and seriously i'm not impressed. i see no chest being able to be used that would actually be better then the defias chest right there. the only thing those BOA chest enable are casters and mail wearers a better choice. are you people even knowing what the word "RARITY" means in MMORPGs ? are you even knowing that this game is based off gears and their RARITY to begin with ?
seriously, go ahead tell all you want about the death of twinks, but we all know it won't happen. i'm just having enough of seeing all this non-sens. if you are so sure that twinks are dead and have been for a while, then tell me what you are still doing around here ?
i'll even give you a scoop on the next thing... there is no other expension coming up, WORLD OF WARCRAFT is dieing. just like all games after 6 years. their going for WARCRAFT IV. if i could find you the blue post that talked about the lich king raid coming up for 3.3 i would. seriously if you knew the story behind the whole warcraft universe you'd know that we are at the end of it. the only thing left for them to show us would be the raid against the lich king.
that's what you wanted though, am i right, the end of this game... then here it is... after 6 years of activity, blizzard are finally letting it rest in peace. no more expansion, no more updates, no more games for you either. that's what you want so desperately ?
the better solution for you would be to just stop paying, sell your game and account and just forget about this whole mess... only insane people plays games they don't want to !
serisouly, i see twinking getting a lot more powerfull in its days, for now all classes will have equal chances on the battlefield. but oh wait, you don't want your shaman, druid or hunter getting pummelled, for twinking is all about destroying your opponent easily right !
then i wish you happy twinking, noobs !
to the rest, how about we start talking constructively about the new gears coming up !
to the others who aren't concerned by this post... i wish you all good day/night !