EU+US What is wrong with twinking.


So I hve been twinking for quite some time now I started at the start of legion pre patch and all I see is thease peopel that just started WHEN legion hit and think their all that so Im going to get a team will all of my best buds and smash @Voc in warsong I think ive masterd pretty much everything so far and I don't even have cheap shot yet peopel still die to me when I glide after them and then they complain sayin Im using consumbles and all that jazz and its relly starting to get annoying
it that is it is very good farnk is very happy to hearing that :D
Just level to 19 and get it over and done with
your actually the biggest joke on this website you had me dying when I read this
nothing i like more than ppl going on about how high the twinking skill ceiling is when all it is is 5 buttons, positioning and decision making that a toddler wouldnt struggle with

my dudes cant accept the fact that some 14 yr old kid who started playing 2 months ago are playing equally as good as them whos been playing this shit for years lmao yall need to chill

u bitch bois would argue that thumb wrestling is some next lvl shit aslong as ur egos dont get hurt

i'm actually starting to get rlly good at twinking im lookin to take the $450 wsg tourney if more people would liek to join in on the actoin.
He is thelegend27 wow version? how did you guys not know??!!!?11/!!11!?!

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