what is the most OP 24 currently?

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after pvp'ing for a while on my 24 rogue, this is my opinion, top 3 is currently:

1, resto druid that has a feral set ready: ninja nodes in AB, run flag in WSG, HoT outheals many players' sustained dps, cat form dps pretty high.

2, shadow priest who doesn't just tunnel vision

3, holy paladin/elemental shaman (thunderstorm for knocking people off LM in AB and running flag in WSG).

haven't ran into many 24 monk yet so i can't comment, but i have a feeling that they would be pretty OP too.

what a coincidence: they are all hybrids that can heal or dps on demand.
I believe that any healing specced class should be placed above shadow priest. They have burst yes but have problems with combat regen and run oom, atleast i do alot of the times cause battles are long cause of heals and speccing disc for example i would never run oom and do the same damage with more healing, actually any healing specc doesnt or hardly ooms and should outlast every shadow priest all the way.

My number 1 and 3 would be the same as Op and nr 2 a disc.

Oh and Glancealot, whats up with the name and shame thing in your sig? Having those items is not so bad, ive got 2 toons with those and even with level 60 satchel gear but all for fun and nostalgia. Did he use it in battlegrounds? is not ok but we are twinks and gearing like this is a part of twinking. It is silly to get his gear removed or what ever you are trying to achieve through your signature.
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Most Op Dps class 20(P2p)(F2p)-24 is Glass canon shadow priest > Boomy
Most Op heals class 20(P2p)(F2p)-24 is Holy pally = Resto Druid

Holy pally(Big heals , but slow even with speed buffs)- rather have as FC if has 6-10 stack debuff

Resto Druid (insane mobility)can FC n keep up with any FC. But I'm not a big fan of Druids Fcs with 4 stack debuff, plus if opposing team has a smexy rogue with crippling poison. Unless is an terrain expert kiter.

Don't have to be a 24. Tons of very good f2ps out there.

Prot pally , rogues, shamans , monks, disc priests,hunters not as OP as what I mentioned at top, but all classes are situational and have their OP moments in the Gulch.
Now now ladies, I'm pretty sure this thread has gone OFF DA RAILZ. So let me explain which classes are the most OP to the least 1 is the most OP and 10 is the least.
1. Fire Mage
2. Warrior
3. Roooje
4. Monk
5. Hunter
6. Disc Priest
7. Holy Paladin
8. Feral Druid
9. Resto Druid
10. Shadow Priest

There we go kids. Now stahp trolling each other. Twink Info is srsbzns
Remember to stay in school and dont do drugs. Also dont drink and drive because you may spill your drink. Also whenever you see me in a BG pleessssss try to target me and don't attack anyone else on the team. I'm usually in the ally GY holding the flag having a dance party and not attacking anyone if you'd like to join me. Myaahh#1611 is my Battletag. If u wanna rape.


That is all

Now now ladies, I'm pretty sure this thread has gone OFF DA RAILZ. So let me explain which classes are the most OP to the least 1 is the most OP and 10 is the least.

1. Fire Mage
2. Warrior
3. Roooje
4. Monk
5. Hunter
6. Disc Priest
7. Holy Paladin
8. Feral Druid
9. Resto Druid
10. Shadow Priest

There we go kids. Now stahp trolling each other. Twink Info is srsbzns
Remember to stay in school and dont do drugs. Also dont drink and drive because you may spill your drink. Also whenever you see me in a BG pleessssss try to target me and don't attack anyone else on the team. I'm usually in the ally GY holding the flag having a dance party and not attacking anyone if you'd like to join me. Myaahh#1611 is my Battletag. If u wanna rape.


That is all



@Everyone Else, if you know there is a rule violation taking place. Report it, don't be a baby and get a +1 post count in a derailed thread. I cleaned the thread for the most part to keep a somewhat decent discussion going. If it gets derailed again or anything, someone will probably lock the thread and had out infractions.


@Everyone Else, if you know there is a rule violation taking place. Report it, don't be a baby and get a +1 post count in a derailed thread. I cleaned the thread for the most part to keep a somewhat decent discussion going. If it gets derailed again or anything, someone will probably lock the thread and had out infractions.

ahh excuse me that is a language violation.. gonna have to report that
@Everyone Else, if you know there is a rule violation taking place. Report it, don't be a baby and get a +1 post count in a derailed thread. I cleaned the thread for the most part to keep a somewhat decent discussion going. If it gets derailed again or anything, someone will probably lock the thread and had out infractions.​

says this

If you get knocked off LM by a thunderstorm then you're probably bad.

but this post still exists

i can see why you would let it stand, such quality information to be had, ti isnt terrible at all
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