What is the high 70/70 2s team running?

Uhm.. who are you replying to? Nobody even mentioned 2600 in this entire thread. Also why bump a thread that is now irrelevant because of the hotfix?

Well it is still relevant to an extent, after all it's the highest 70/70 team, which if i'm not mistaken that's what we're playing.
Well it is still relevant to an extent, after all it's the highest 70/70 team, which if i'm not mistaken that's what we're playing.

True. Even though I'm sure the highest rated 70s has switched around since the hotfix (maybe not?). Anyway happymess' post just seemed so random and out of place that I had to question it. xd
Well theres a few 2600 teams, I'm pretty sure I had the highest mmr at 2680 but lost my 32-0 flawless so dropped to 2.6 mmr, although I've never met these other 2.6 teams, but I know they exist, i've seen them afking!

Doesn't make him a glad at all cuz he's been 2.7k(jk lvl 74), I know he's good but that doesn't make him superior to others. This thread was clearly made to show people '' Look I'm rank 1 ha ha ha'' nothing else.
Would have been fun if we didn't farm you and your fotm comp to R1 last season, as a non fotm comp.

Now your just not making any sense... but if you're hoping that the old "A good laugh lenghtens ur life" quote im afraid it won't work for u in arena, you die like the dog you are.

infact me and emil, may he rip in piece held rank one last season, lonely at the top #cringed

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