What is some content that you can 'unlock' for your level 20 with a Vet account


I'm talking about how you can get Legion invasions and faction assaults if you do the "Uniting the Broken Isles/Kul Tiras/Zandalar" quest, which you can not do on a level 20.
Is there any more content that you can make available for your level 20, that otherwise could not be done?
The obvious one would be Chromie time. You need a maxed level toon to unlock it. Pure F2P won't be able to switch timelines (unless they got GF'd when Shadowlands launched).
Pathfinder achievments for legion and bfa, for extra mount speed (if you dont have a guild);
Guild perks but only relevant ones are mount speed ans shorter HS cooldown;
Extra toys that can be obtained only with high level but usable at low level (Draenor aviana feater, x-52 rocket helm etc.);
IF the twink has engineering, Saronite Scrapbot as a regent for Jeeves (all other mats can be obtained without game time, except for this one, since its a lvl 25 quest reward în storm peaks);
Chromie time
Island expeditions
Legion/bfa WQs
Bags/stuff/gems/mats easier to farm as a high level (crafted mounts ones too)
Allied races (?)
Tundra mammoth/yak
On that note you can also pick up the heirloom maps for easier navigation. Makes getting to Elekk Tusk on horde a lot more painless. Or getting the Pandarian greens on a new toon. They exist for every continent
Whooo, nice, never though about those. Pandaria one is a must, in my opinion. Also, I would like to add to the previous list one more thing: getting rare craft reagents, like the ones that drop only in raids and such, and mail them to the twink char for crafting (mostly for transmog purposes). Oh and almost forgot: The New pvp heirlooms from Bfa that you can obtain with medals only and they drop only for lvl 50+chars.
Makes getting to Elekk Tusk on horde a lot more painless.

Not gonna nitpick, but if you just use the command board to begin Talador it flies you to your Talador fortress area and you can run over the hill to Shadowmoon Valley. But yeah.... still would buy the maps as F2P if it was possible. Good call.

edit- kind of similar with panda greens, I use the run to pick up a few treasures for a couple hundred gold as f2p, makes that and WoD garrison buildings that much easier... would still buy all the maps tho. ;)

Chromie time and the vendor mounts are the things I miss most by far.
Chromie time
Island expeditions
Legion/bfa WQs
Bags/stuff/gems/mats easier to farm as a high level (crafted mounts ones too)
Allied races (?)
Tundra mammoth/yak

How do you unlock WQs at lvl 20?

All guides online are obsolete saying it requires lvl 110. Obviously if there is a link here to a guide I'd love to check it out! Sounds neat :)
How do you unlock WQs at lvl 20?

All guides online are obsolete saying it requires lvl 110. Obviously if there is a link here to a guide I'd love to check it out! Sounds neat :)
That's why You unlock them as a 50+ and then got vet
That's why You unlock them as a 50+ and then got vet
hmm interesting. My Main WoW account has a few lvl 50s with access to WQs. However, my "vet" is my WoW1 which only has that level 20 on it. I'll assume that it does not carry across accounts.. :/
Sub 45s/50s(depending on content) can't do normal WQs. If your account has WQs unlocked you can do legion invasions/faction assaults when they're up. They're mostly there for rep, since there isn't much you can leverage legion resources for and IIRC nothing you can leverage BFA resources for on a 20.
Chromie time
Island expeditions
Legion/bfa WQs
Bags/stuff/gems/mats easier to farm as a high level (crafted mounts ones too)
Allied races (?)
Tundra mammoth/yak
I believe Island Expeditions are now possible on F2P.
Refer Brihan’s post here.

Only other thing not mentioned is……. Jeeves. Can’t construct on a F2P account. Get all mats needed and then u can farm the recipe when unsub’d if required.

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