What have I done..


First I'd like to congratulate the management on an excellent site, full of useful info :)

Now please help me!

I've twinked a bit at 39/49 with locks and rogues, and 29 with a priest, now I've ventured into the dark world of lvl 19 twinking for the first time. I thought I'd make a pally, since they are versatile, and have handy group buffs. I maybe mistakenly decided to go primarily for a melee dps spec, but have collected gear for holy and FC duties too.

My question is - Is it possible to do respectable dps as a retri (melee) pally? I've just dinged 19, I have reasonable (but not perfect) gear, my talent spec is definately not ideal, but my dps sucks big time. Auto-attack and a single pathetic judgement every 10 seconds. Cmon, I must be missing something...



PS I've read the guides on here and other twink sites, but they lack specifics on how to play the role (as dps). Maybe that's because it isn't a viable spec?
Well you should at least get 2/2 Improved Judgements. That gives you 8 second judgements.

If you want to be more bursty, get 3/3 Heart of the Crusader.

If you want more stable Attack Power and str benefits, go with 3/5 Divine Strength

You also have hand of reckoning for dps. . . hahaha. . .
spell power ret paladins have some potential. your seals will hit harder and so will your judgement, stack that on top of mail armor, good health, and hammer of justice and you can do pretty decent burst.

paladins aren't exactly known for high burst DPS though. a DPSing paladin's purpose is to provide very constant pressure on a target with BoF, melee attacks, and judgements, along with the mail armor/high health.
Druiddroid said:
spell power ret paladins have some potential. your seals will hit harder and so will your judgement, stack that on top of mail armor, good health, and hammer of justice and you can do pretty decent burst.

paladins aren't exactly known for high burst DPS though. a DPSing paladin's purpose is to provide very constant pressure on a target with BoF, melee attacks, and judgements, along with the mail armor/high health.

I'm very new to the paladin scene, but I was under the impression that seals and judgements were enhanced by attack power, not spell power.
I have tried every 19 pally spec there is I have found that pallies can be very versatile and I'm glad you have all the gear sets. People will say "you're a pally why aren't you healing?" or "make the pally run the flag" a quick gear change can allow you to play any of these roles decently. However your spec can make a huge difference in each one of these roles. I play a ret pally usually in pugs becuase of their survivability when trying to return a flag and they are just fun overall. I suggest two specs 5/5 Seal of the pure, 5/5 divine strength, and glyph of improved judgement. Currently I am all ret specced with 5/5 deflection 3/3 HoC and 2/2 improved judgments, 8sec cooldown will improve over all dps (as already mentioned). If you are having a problem with hunters in arena's or you want a good ret pally with FC capabilites pick up 2/2 gaurdians favor for a 3/7/0 build. You could also go with 3/7/0 (2 points in kings) but I prefer blessing of might over kings for ret.

I have tried going 0/0/10 with 2/2 improved blessing of might but find I like the 2/2 improved judgement (very useful for chasing people down). I suppose you could go 1/3 HoC and go 2/2 in both imp judgements and imp blessing of might? (actually i haven't tried this yet.) If you picked up skinning this might be a very usufull spec.

BTW hope you picked up your http://www.wowhead.com/?item=6087 for patch 3.1 (did the link work- Chausses of Westfall)

I have been playing around with haste and working on obtaing at least one if not two BOA haste trinkets. If you look at your melee damage in the character sheet you will find that haste improves DPS. for instance +10 haste to gloves gives about 0.7-1 more DPS than +7 str. You couple that with +20 haste to weapon (iron counterweight) and two haste trinkets (+12) Not to mention the 30% increase in melee DPS buff pallies druids shams and DK's are getting in 3.1. That would make for one mean 'Hastadin'?

Haste can also improve healing. Tired of the 2.5 second cast? with full haste gear you should be able to get that down to about 1.9-2.0 second cast (30 haste = 2.19sec cast)

May want to through some haste in to you balance set.

A common missconception about spelladins that I had this pointed out to me a while ago. Seal Spell damage scales equally with attack power or spell power. Therefore Stacking Attack power will improve melee and seal damage. Stacking spellpower will improve healing and seal damage. If you don't believe me try it. So for ret pallies I suggest stacking Strenth and AP (1str = 2AP unless you have divine str where 1 str turns into 1.15str = 2.3 AP)
yesterday i did a marathon 19 PVP spree and i saw a palidan that was like #2/3 in damage. he was right there with the hunters by 1000-2000 points. he also was placing in the top 4 in KB's/HK's. he played this players like any player would play a ret-palidan with 5 points in holy and 5 in protection.

RHYSTIC - 19 on RUIN battlegroup.
Thanks for the rapid responses :)

My armory profile isn't up-to-date, so there are a few different bits of kit for my max dps set. I've prioritised strength for AP, as it does indeed impact on seal and judgement damage (I use Dr Damage add-on to help theorycraft what the best combo's are). I too have found that 10 haste is best on gloves for max dps.

I think I'll respec to the 5/5/0 build initially to see how this works out, and might put some cobra armor on a pair of mighty chain pants to see what is possible. I am worried about losing too much survivability though. I've already had crits up to 220 on clothies with Smite's hammer :D

I'll keep the post updated, and I welcome any further input from the knowledgeable


PS hopefully my profile will update later tonight to give a better idea of what my spec and gear is.
I wouldn't be so fast to get cobra armor on your pants. In the new patch they won't work and you'll have wasted all that money.
Velocemorte said:
I'm very new to the paladin scene, but I was under the impression that seals and judgements were enhanced by attack power, not spell power.

Paladin spells in WoW and BC were only affected by spell power, but with the recent addition of LK one of the changes was alot of paladin spells now have co-effiecents for spell power and attack power.

depending on which spell some take which ever is higher, some take a 50/50 split from both, some its 100/0..it all depends.
Elude said:
I wouldn't be so fast to get cobra armor on your pants. In the new patch they won't work and you'll have wasted all that money.

True get the Chausses of Westfall, there might be a 7str 3 sgi 3 stam one from a Menthenil harbor quest not sure about that(?). 220 on clothies is pretty good.
I have the Chausses :) Things worked a little better with 5/5/0. Not chart topping but at least I give myself a chance against the higher dps classes now.

Armory is up to date now. I might try an iron counterweight, but I'm loathe to give up 25 agility.
Yes, I only just discovered that. It drops off the warlock ogres that inhabit the caves around karazhan. Took me a while to farm the recipe, but I'm not going to pass up a little more AP :) I'm going to get a new weapon that has chance on hit proc to add 20 haste to, maybe a rearing blade. Wish I had enough XP left to get glacial stone, as I that would be best weapon for hasting (max native dps, and a proc)

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