Ya, I'm just happy MoP will get rid of Exo for lvl 20, so many cheap things you can do with pallys. I would know since pally is my first and best character that i've made. Exo annoys me so much I never use it (back peddling hunter being exception)
Poly, nothing like sitting there watching your teammates die and being the last left alone. Hoj, nothing like having to use your trinket just so you don't die in that forever 6 seconds.
sap - just sitting there and not being able to do anything, even more annoying when they sap more then once. also hate seeing the rogue and teammates just sitting there rubbin their stuff. the most annoying thing is when the rogue dosen't open, either hit me or gtfo plz
sheep - even though its a free heal, its soo annoying. good thing they cant hit my FC with this )
fears - probably the worst. hate it when im in travel and i get feared and makes me go the other way, specially if its twords those hyenas(huntards).
HoJ - this ones pretty obvious, who wants to sit there not being able to do anything while some 10 year old spams exo on you? :'(
Arcane Torrent - Because your character doesn't even do anything amusing (like turn into a furry critter or run away god knows where) you're just...bored and incapable.