What does this bracket need?


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I wanna get into this bracket.. Not as a "main bracket" but just something to do when im bored..
I' enjoy mages alot, and im good at playing them.. ( but who isnt rite? )
But i also wanna play a healer, which i'm okay at.. Not bad, but i cant get nowhere near like 2k rating(unless i roll priest)

I like feeling needed in bg's.. and I know that there is alot of mages in the bracket, and sure as hell alot of bad ones aswell..

So the question is..
What you need the most?
A good(if i may say so) or an okay healer? ( prob pala since i have 1 standing at lvl 27)

I want to hear what you would like to see the most.. I dont really need a reason, but one would be nice :)
Think healers are most needed, and good or " ok " holy paladins are always welcome.
bracket needs balancing, along with all lower brackets. blizz said they would work on it at start of CATA. they said they would have to work down also cause fixing lower levels would undo what was done at 85. well they never fixed85's and are still jacking with them. near 2 years and nothing. appears they still have no interest and with MOP are gjust wiping everything and starting over again

in terms of seriously OP, bracket is ruled overall by #1 mages, followed by disc/shadow priests, res shams. generally team with most or best of those classes wins. they pretty much carry the teams
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If you're being serious, then why the bad language?
And IF you really are being serious.. Then what do you mean, since it apparently was directed towards me.

Mmmm, Yeah, Best to just ignore the people whinging about Nesy's posts/postcount, Tends to happen quite a bit.

What the bracket needs, as others have said, is balancing, Roll a gnome mage/rogue/priest, Pick up engineering, Get synapse/tazik first try. Whoop whoop, Need i go on. But in my eyes, The bracket also needs more people playing the weaker, or sub-par classes, ie; Warlocks, hunters, warriors, Non-blood deathknights, Etc. At least in the US bracket, we have a surplus of mages, Bdks, rogues, rogues, rogues, and priests. Having those mentioned classes/specs make up 80% of the battleground makes games a bit dull.

But phut, Just roll with what you enjoy, Are better at, have more experience with, something you want to try, etc. Whatever suits, Just enjoy.
Healers are always welcome if u have fun play that spec go for it. Usually there're too many dps and not enough healers.
Frost mages are boring...really boring, ofc in my opinion. I saw that u like fire mages, i can tell u that fire mages do very well in bg and it's fun to play, if u want to spend some times in SWP to gear up, do bgs in full pve gear and smash everything ;)
Ofc u'll have big problems vs Rogues and DK but who cares :p
If u want to see which is the BiS pve fire mages gear u can check my character Ranta @ Defias Brotherhood - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Well i think that you should play what you really want to play, because the most important part is having fun, HOWEVER, the most needed role in the bracket are healers, i would suggest a holy pally or resto sham, these two seem to be the strongest healers, with the most survivability.

- Spruo

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