So I was just curious to what you guys think GY Farming is? IE: Where is the line between GY Farming and Midfield Farming
For example:
(Alliance perspective)
If Horde are behind the invisible black line(imo) then they are not GY Farming. Anything past that would be(imo) GY Farming.
I was curious if others agreed with me on this or not.
Or just what they considered "the line" between GY Farming and Midfield Farming.
EDIT: Thumbs up for using paint?
For example:
(Alliance perspective)
If Horde are behind the invisible black line(imo) then they are not GY Farming. Anything past that would be(imo) GY Farming.
I was curious if others agreed with me on this or not.
Or just what they considered "the line" between GY Farming and Midfield Farming.
EDIT: Thumbs up for using paint?