what do the spellcasters(clothys/druid) think of the new patch?

Medikal said:
the problem is in this forum is people live thru pipe dreams. they ran thru 1 pug and think their toons are still amazing. Ur gonna tell me u took no hits in 3.1? 35 + 20 stam AT LEAST with nothing to replace it with (unlike leggings of the fang). if u weren't using a libram to ur head for health or the shoulder chant u had no health anyway or ur rock little to no spell power. Twinking as a 19 priest (which i have been doing for YEARS now) i believe is all about balance between stats and sp. This is why i am converting to mh/offhand. I do not have agm. I suppose that is my fault, but to hire literally 10 80's on my server to help me get it 12 times just isn't worth it to me.

my priest is super old school. i lost nothing on him :)

If ur juking a rogue 3-4 times ur dead. Unless, like i said earlier, ur playing scrubs. juke the kick to get gouged = dead. btw, i got evis critted for 367 in a duel with a guildy yesterday.

not me : /

Still think 19's are fair? scroll up 3 posts and take a look at that guys screenshot. wether hes killing scrubs or twinks thats just not right.
now you're contradicting yourself:

they ran thru 1 pug and think their toons are still amazing.

anyways, if you actually know your bounds and pay attention to where you will die and won't die, you should be fine. sure, if a rogue trinkets out of fear and sprints and follows my every move, i will die. but that's only if they blow everything on me and if i don't trick them at all.
Druiddroid said:
my priest is super old school. i lost nothing on him :)

not me : /

now you're contradicting yourself:

anyways, if you actually know your bounds and pay attention to where you will die and won't die, you should be fine. sure, if a rogue trinkets out of fear and sprints and follows my every move, i will die. but that's only if they blow everything on me and if i don't trick them at all.

Like i said in my last thread. i'm done with the internet arguing. But it really sounds like u don't play against very skilled dps.

Not a contradiction. That guy was a hunter, dps. they still are amazing ;). i was talkin about casters. I should clarify more, i apologize.
Druiddroid said:
my priest is super old school. i lost nothing on him :)

not me : /

now you're contradicting yourself:

anyways, if you actually know your bounds and pay attention to where you will die and won't die, you should be fine. sure, if a rogue trinkets out of fear and sprints and follows my every move, i will die. but that's only if they blow everything on me and if i don't trick them at all.

Like i said in my last thread. i'm done with the internet arguing. But it really sounds like u don't play against very skilled dps.
right now hunters are definitely hacking thru anybody with that BOW with 40 critical strike rating scope on it. but anything besides that... i'm quite sure you didn't even rebalance your druid which is why you get sliced like that.

seriously, i was looking at my paladin in healing gear which is mostly leather and cloth. and yet i will still have over 1200hp. and i won't be sliced like that has we have everything to deal with what's coming ! not to mention 8-9 hits to kill you is quite enough for you to deal with. you have a lot of time to get the show on the road !

one more thing...

at 19 - druid have always been an FC or a Healer. they can't dps right until they have cat form which is level 20+ so i suggest that you get him leveled if ya want to dps with a druid.

so again just in case...


its impossible to play at this time without regearing your character a bit.

mostly cloth, you gotta be serious... i've seen enough leather able to give you what ya need !


if everyone lose all the same thing aka the leg enchants, then everyone lost something... which in turn makes it like nobody ever lost anything has its something nobody has anymore, thus why talking about it ? ya wanna QQ more, go on... but twinking is still up there and its better then ever.
Medikal said:
Not a contradiction. That guy was a hunter, dps. they still are amazing ;).
you don't see my point.

really sounds like u don't play against very skilled dps.
perhaps, but then again what can a rogue do against a fear other than blow trinket and sprint in terms of WSG?
I'm just mainly angry that I can't even live through the gouge --> kick combo. I used to be able to eat the kick and heal afterwards. Rogues still seem to be hitting just as hard and it's not like their cooldowns have increased. I've only gotten to play a few bgs so far, but I can say my healing numbers haven't gone down, just my survivability. I'm still deciding if I'll keep playing or not in the 19s. I can deal with my own deaths, but it is getting kind of frustrating trying to heal people but they are dropping so fast my heals don't even have time to finish casting.
^ u need to be druiddroid. Then you could live. Or find a dps who doesn't know what gouge/kick is...

I feel ur pain 100%. If ur healing for the same drop SP for more stats. Its about all u can do. my original goal was 100... think i am gonna drop it to 80. 400 base heals here i come! (i see u have a 39 priest, thread is pertaining to 19 spellcasters just so u know).

druid- they could... trinket then come back and literally beat ur face in or they can just take it, wait till u stop to heal anyone and 3 shot u ;) And a hunter.... he can stand there and own you then do the imba back peddling that 90% of them do and kill you. At least before u could renew/bubble thru their dps dot and wand for some damage haha.

I just got done playing some 39's. i am content now. Its all fun.
Medikal said:
druid- they could... trinket then come back and literally beat ur face in or they can just take it, wait till u stop to heal anyone and 3 shot u ;) And a hunter.... he can stand there and own you then do the imba back peddling that 90% of them do and kill you. At least before u could renew/bubble thru their dps dot and wand for some damage haha.
well i can't survive too well through a well played hunter, but the s keying ones are easy to handle.

if a rogue trinkets my fear, 90% of the time it's chasing me instead of meleeing me. also, if they take it, it's 8 seconds for me to run to a better location to heal teammates or survive. not too difficult to kite something with only melee attacks...

I just got done playing some 39's. i am content now. Its all fun.

good luck against exorcism.
Medikal said:
e! (i see u have a 39 priest, thread is pertaining to 19 spellcasters just so u know)

I'm guessing my 19 shammy doesn't show for you in the drop down menu.


If you got some suggestions on what I can do with my gear I'm all ears. Only solution I can come up with is level my mining a second time, go for a fishing hat, and get AGM trinket at this point.
Megamann, if you don't have those then it is clear that you won't be doing that much.

as i said before, only hunters for now have been too OP due to the bow glitch !

rogues at 19 do not have kick. or at least none ever did it against my priest back then !
ArthurianKnight said:
Megamann, if you don't have those then it is clear that you won't be doing that much.

as i said before, only hunters for now have been too OP due to the bow glitch !

rogues at 19 do not have kick. or at least none ever did it against my priest back then !

rogues get kick at level 12. It amazes me how people can't master a melee class.

Druid - I'll just agree to disagree with you about these changes. ;) enjoy your priest!
Yeah just like priest never dispelling bubbles until recently when suddently, YOU CAN DO THAT ?!! OMG SO OP !!!!!

seriously, i see priest in BGs now and all they do is dispell everywhere !

you're about to die against a warrior and all they do for you is dispel again !

is that even necessary ?
ArthurianKnight said:
Megamann, if you don't have those then it is clear that you won't be doing that much.

as i said before, only hunters for now have been too OP due to the bow glitch !

rogues at 19 do not have kick. or at least none ever did it against my priest back then !

And posts like this is why I have trouble taking you seriously.
Medikal said:
FYI, devourer plays with scrubs obviously, can't live thru one rogue now. Maybe i just play with better players. i apologize for my rants to u both.


bro i've been playing priest prob longer than you've been twinking, rofl.

watch what u say to those who have tons of experience.

i've built a twink only guild from nothing, twinked over half the classes at 19, and been noted as both a dedicated player and one who's not to shabby.

and all this in cyclone, imo one of the most skilled and geared out battle groups.

yes i roll with 5 or less usually, but thats cause before 3.1 it was a joke to roll 10 ppl 6+ of whom were "twinked" with me and 1 hunter in my guild.

so watch that mouth :)
i personally believe that as a mage im having absolutely no trouble with the exception of hunters. Even with hunters there, i must say it still comes down to skill. I play a warlock, a mage, and a rogue and things are going quite smoothly. The only thing that i oppose from the new patch is the fact that we are unable to group Q arena...i mean seriously? what about higher levels? How are they supposed to test out teams as practice? it just doesnt make sense that they put a restriction on group Qing. Any good CC mage shouldnt have any trouble just because of this patch. My HP is still decent compared with other twinks, my frostbolts slow people just the same, and my boots were easily replaced with spidersilk boots. So whats the problem? Although i cant say anything from a priest's point of view because that's not one of my classes, i still dont think this patch was much to QQ over.

Edit: And just a sidenote for the people QQing about not being able to beat rogues/warriors- please learn to play a mage in the 19 bracket because mages are practically undefeatable when it comes to rogues and warriors if you have even the slightest skill in maneuvering. I dont mean to sound like an insensitive or elitist jerk but as a mage, i dont believe ive once lost to a rogue let alone a warrior in my 2 years of playing the mage class [19].
dev - Ur epeen must be huge, lol. But supplied me with a good laugh.. I too have twinked practically every class. i 2 have a decent guild. I 2 have played a priest for a very god damn long time. You impress urself, but not me. sorry.
Medikal said:
dev - Ur epeen must be huge, lol. But supplied me with a good laugh.. I too have twinked practically every class. i 2 have a decent guild. I 2 have played a priest for a very god damn long time. You impress urself, but not me. sorry.

rofl, if u straight up say something that stupid, based on nothing at all to an actual twinker, not just some one class scrub and your're not prepared for whiplash and truth?

on cyclone, it only works that way in the forums, on the field u'd be meat.

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