What do people find most frustrating?

Double glaive rogues that suck (because i don't have my mainhand yet and it get me angry that baddies have the set)

and also when i spend forever 2v1'ing 2 other rogues and then that rogue that was watching me for a minute in stealth ninja's them both.

Crit/Agility gems,

Icewalker on boots,

Crusher, or 44 AP to gloves,

17 Crit/Runspeed meta.

Niughtstalker over energetic recovery,

2/3 Relentless strikes.

Yep, Gotta get angry at 'dem 'baddies'.

But yeah, without going into too much detail, Unloading over 25k Damage into a mage before shields are all broken, including PW:S, Firing a chimera at a rogue just as they vanish, hits for 10k, yet they open 2 seconds later at 100%, without a bleed, Annnnnd people who attempt to explain how 70 Mages, priests, and/or rogues are "fine".
people who dont accept actual help from me when im not fucking around with them.

undergeared bads in bgs.

rogues, rogues, stealthing, bursting rogues (least i can counter frost mages easyer than rogues)

Have at least 2 rogues behind my back all the time in every bg... there're really tooooooooo many rogues in this bracket
alliance rogues, never seen anything so lame, they only open when cloak is up and normally they team up with another rogue
I'm going to spec ret JUST incase theres some connection with being a dps spec and getting the dps tinkers. That's how desperate I am now.
Well @ this lvl, rogues don't have smoke bomb, and are so much squishier.

But yes rogues are op if played right

Rogue with synapse opened on me, Popped RoS (Critical hit immunity.) Still copped two 5-6k Ambushes, non-crit. Without a healer, i can't even live through a Cheap shot with 35% resilience. Not to mention seeing a 45% Resilience disc priest, dropped inside a Kidney shot from 100% during dance is kinda sad.

The above was not intended to flame, or start flaming, Etc, etc. Just personal experiences.

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